16 August 2008

Summertime in Menton - Youth

High summer means having fun on a pontoon. In the smaller photo another pontoon - another group of young people - almost tipped over. It didn't!

And if you'd like to see The Barack Obama Dog please click on the live link to Riviera Dogs.


  1. Ah that young boy falling backwards on the left - priceless! You made my day!

    I know you'd notice the sheepdog in my hat photo yesterday - I posted it just for you!
    (I'd love to see you wearing your outrageous hats again!!!)

  2. I really like this photograph. Some kids having fun. Great photo.

    Would "love to see you wearing your outrageous hats again?"

    Did I already miss something?

  3. Makes one feel like a teenager again.
    What a life.... sigh !

  4. I love this image;so much going on, crisp colour, etc.

  5. Not a bad way to spend the last days before school!

  6. First, thank you for your comment today. That fish couldn't scare anyone. It's only about 75 mm long.

    The subject of this picture looks like fun! Unless you could find a very big pool, the only place to set up a pontoon like that around here would be the Mississippi River. Not many people want to go swimming in that water.

  7. I thought this was "how many teenagers can you fit on the head of a raft?"

  8. What a fun shot - don't you love the exhuberance of youth - sigh!!!!

    Off to the airport in a couple of hours and have left by blog in the capable hands of He-Who-Doesn't-Blog and the cat!!! Hope they do it properly - you just can't get good help these days!!!!

  9. They arranged themselves so perfectly for you! I also love the smaller shot. There's a girl in the middle who looks scared, but she's already wet!

  10. Brings back memories. Some of the kids in the smaller photo look pretty young; I'm amazed at how well students swim at an early age.

  11. I have only seen pontoons in Europe. But then again, I haven't been to the beaches of Miami or Los Angeles recently.

    Kids definitely know how to have fun.

  12. They all have such wonderful tans :-)
    When I was a teenager I and my cousins and friends spent pretty much every day at the beach too and had great bronze tans like these kids do. Ahhh those were the days of summer holidays and no work! :-)
