01 August 2008

Theme Day: Metal

The first of the month and Theme Day. Today's Theme is Metal so here's an rusty car I pass every time I drive down the Route de Gorbio to Menton. In winter, the vegetation dies back somewhat. At the moment, it's gone a bit crazy. What car is it? Perhaps an old Citroen? Anyone know?

It's hot and humid in Menton. The ozone level is nearly critical - people with breathing problems are told to stay indoors and the speed limit has been reduced on all motorways in the Alpes-Maritimes. The major culprit, of course, is the motor car, so perhaps it's just as well this car died long ago.

There are 184 City Daily Photo bloggers from all around the world taking part in today's Theme. Why not pay some of them a visit and see what 'metal' they found in their city to delight you. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

Thanks to Don, a regular visitor to Menton, who reminded me about this car.


  1. I love this, Jilly! All the mysterious questions are so fun to contemplate. I want to run my hand back and forth across that lovely textured grass/sedge.

  2. superbe photo, cette vieille voiture dans sa tombe naturelle. et oui avec le temps tout s'efface.

  3. That is one gorgeous planter!

  4. wow..i love this car. The scene is very romantic in a way to me!

  5. And I guess the hotter and more humid it gets, the quicker this old beast will corrode!

    Sydney Daily Photo

  6. It goes to show, nature will thrive in anything!

    These plants if eaten will be very fortified with iron! hahaha...

    Happy Theme Day!

  7. This must have been a pretty car when it was made.

    Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments. Happy theme day!


  8. Belle illustation poétique du thème du mois....poussière nous sommes poussière nous deviendrons...

  9. brilliant picture

    I saw your Monte Carlo post first and then came here!

  10. Wow!... now that is some use of Metal... guess with increasing fuel prices. cars could be a good substitute for earthen pots...

    grt pic. :-)

    P.S: Thanks for dropping by!

  11. The juxtaposition is very appealing. A great choice for today's theme!

  12. Great picture Jilly. We need to get a lot more vehicles off the road in London.

  13. I love it. I have this thing for old junk cars, I don't know why LOL! And this one is really really old...

  14. Good choice of subject.
    Re. the ozone. With the price of petrol rising almost daily I'm surprised at how many people are on the roads!

  15. Runs in Ruins .... :)

  16. The brown and the green really meld well, Jilly. Rust is such an appealing texture and colour. The shaving brush growing out of the boot is a joy to behold.

    Good choice ...

  17. Wow, a car with green on the seat! It looks so inviting - wonder if kids get to play around it!

  18. Neat shot! I wonder what the story is behind the car?

  19. Looks like a big old flower box. Now we just need to get them to plant flowers and not grass and weeds.

  20. I'm in love with that second photo--the grass growing through the back windshield makes the car look like a Chia Pet!

  21. Nature did a terrific job of setting the scene for this creative photo!

  22. Definitely heavy metal!

  23. Such a switch from your other photos. I just love a surprise. Mother Nature is definitely taking care of this old fellow. Great capture today as always.

  24. A classic car just getting better in retirement!

  25. Wow! Excellent photo. If that car could talk, I'll bet it would have some great stories.

    Happy Theme Day!


  26. It does look like an old Citroen. I'm not sure what model though.

    Excellent choice for the theme day!

  27. What a delightful hunk of metal, no? :)

  28. Talk about your fancy planters! I'll have to get my mom one of those for her garden!

  29. I was wondering where our old car ended up. Good shot for the theme.

  30. Une belle voiture à vendre ?

  31. p.s. thanks for leaving a comment on my blog!

  32. At least it is not polluting the air anymore!!!
    A great choice,I like the shapes of these old cars

  33. Oh, fun! I love this rusty, crusty old car. And the grass growing out of the fender! Marvalous.

  34. This is perfect for the meatl theme day. What a find! And you took the photo from a great angle.

  35. I think I like the shot with the grass growing out the back the best...great choice and your photographs are beautiful.

  36. Very interesting Jilly, I love your interpretation of today's theme day! Great picture.

  37. As usual I completely forgot theme day :-( --- I love this photo Jilly so much (especially the... "back" one)

  38. Well here's a great alternative use for cars. Take them all off the road and turn them into garden sculpture!

    I really like this image. I do wonder what the car looked like new, don't you?

  39. Oh I really like this one . . . the grass is thriving and makes a gorgeous contrast to the rusty auto. What a treat that you see this so often.

  40. if that car could talk...

  41. I wonder how the neighbors like looking out and seeing this everyday? It looks like the earth is eating up the car.

  42. Brilliant choice for theme day! Looks like it needs a service though! Lol:)

  43. I'm guessing mind you but it looks to be a mid 1930s Citroen Traction Avant,maybe a 7 series. Citroen produced a little more than 88,000 of these Traction Avant 7 from 1934-1941. Who knows, this car has probably been getting a good "patina" for more than 50 years. Probably left behind from WWII years. I love old car photos and yours is quite a gem.

  44. rust never sleeps, and neither does mother nature. here they collide. great theme day choice.

  45. OMG, I love it!! I absolutely love your photo!! :-)

  46. There is a story behind this wreck; what could it be?

  47. The grass growing out the back is quite a statement and gave me a laugh!

  48. I love the way nature reclaims the rust buckets. Excellent choice.

  49. Fabulous--especially luv the back-end!

  50. I love this, Jilly! We used to live in Atlanta, and there was an old car in a field near our house. . . .Unfortunately, it had seen better days. . . .not as nice-looking as this one.

  51. great find!! it could also fit some eco-friendly theme with all that grass inside

    are there all that many cars in Menton?? I was there a few years ago and did not seem to me that it had traffic problems...

  52. I like the idea of the earth subsuming one of its major antagonists!

  53. Oooooh, one of my favourite themes.

    Look how the grass is pushing through the rust hole in the mud guard!!!!

  54. Great choice for the theme day! This is quite a contrast to the cars that I've been showing on my blog, isn't it?

  55. Good photo for the theme. Wow the car looked really very abandoned.

  56. Hi Jilly

    No thats not a Citoen, certainly not a Traction Avant.

    With that type of body and the 4 strakes on the side of the bonnet its most likely a small Renault Juvaquatre BDJ1 or Novaquatre AEB4 from the mid thirties when Renault and Peugeot were playing catch up once the Traction had rendered all their cars outdated at a stroke.

    My 2 Citroens are 2cvs now, having sold my 1947 and 1949 Tractions some years ago

    regards Geoff
