30 September 2008

Summer's End - Attitude!

This photograph shows a clash of cultures. Menton often holds several events at once and in this case, the Plant Fair was held at the same time as a gathering of car enthusiasts - in particular cars sporting custom bodywork. I believe there was also a motorbike event on too.

These three are visiting Menton to display their cars or bikes - taking time out at the Plant Fair to smell the flowers.


  1. The girl with the attitude is so pretty!

  2. I wanna be her! Can I? Can I?

  3. They look like bikers to me.

  4. A bit of yin-yang right there in Menton. It could be that the fellow on the right is an avid watercolorist! 6^)

  5. What immediately struck me is the lady's beautiful, long fingers and nails. The contrast of 'cultures' makes the photo full of energy and interest.

  6. Wow - is it getting cool there already? We're still in shorts and sandals here in Mississippi.

  7. Good-looking bunch. You could shoot fashion!
