26 September 2008

Summer's End - Father Christmas

Oh no! Father Christmas already! It's still September, the sun in shining but a shop in the pedestrian street prepares...


  1. Not yet, we still have Fall to enjoy.

  2. le temps passe trop vite, j'ai même pas encore eut le temps de faire ma liste au père noël ;o)).

  3. Oh I bet that is a great shop to browse!

  4. Dear Jilly, I have a little bit of free time today so I thought I'd cruise by your blog to say hello. Miss you but I'll be back, hopefully before February when we're going to Mexico again for a few months.

    Already! was my first reaction when I saw this photo. But, despite the commercialism, I love all the holidays. Good photo!

  5. I thought it was only American stores that like to get an early start on the holiday shopping season.

  6. I guess I had my say about Christmas in September and got it out of my system on my blog not long ago. Now I can just shake my head and mutter under my breath!HA As crazy as it all is, I do hope Paris is all decked out for Christmas by Nov. 16th when we arrive.

  7. Hello Jilly,

    I don't mind this earlier than "thou" nonsense but I prefer hiding it until a week before the holiday.

    I think they used to tie it in with new merchandise arriving but these days we get delicious oranges the same day from South Africa and those coming from California and Florida were picked so long ago they are pithy.

    So they could hold Santa at the North Pole for another couple of months and he would still arrive in plenty of time for me.

  8. My little Russian visitors are amazed at the plethoraof Halloween decorations surrounded this week by Christmas decorations!

  9. no. way. Not this craziness again this year?! It's SEPTEMBER!!! Where did Fall go? :-(
    Fall is my favourite time of the year. I adore Fall decorations.

  10. OH NO - I am sooo not ready for Christmas!!!!

  11. this shopkeeper should be immediately arrested.

  12. Like the first swallow of spring (or here outside my window the first koel - noisy buggers)....the best sighting here this year was hot cross buns the week after Christmas!

  13. On no not yet. I'm still brushing the sand off my clothes and even the shop assistant is in summer clothes.

  14. I won't let my daughters see this one. They would not let up. Interesting to know that Christmas scenes are not just happening in the USA. It's gone global and we're not even through Halloween yet.

  15. He's back to town! And nobody told me?!

  16. Saw this shop when I was out in Menton a couple of weeks ago, wandered in after eating our Lasagne in the square, it was around 9 at night and the staf were putting the Christmas goodies out.

    The shop is amazing and seems to go right back and appears to be in a cave, the brickwork is superb, and it is well worth a visit.
