24 September 2008

Summer's End - the Ivy

Dark creeping Ivy,
...bloom of ruins, tho art dear to me,
When, far from danger's way, they gloomy price
Wreathes picturesque around some ancient tree
That bows his branches by some fountain-side
Then sweet it is from summer suns to be,
Wish thy green darkness overshadowing me.

John Clare (1793-1864), 'To the Ivy'

A corner in Gorbio village.


  1. The dried ivy just looks right with that old door..rustic, I love it!

  2. What a stunning series in your Summer's End - it is real coffee table photography book stuff!!

    Fantastically evocative of the season!!!

  3. That verse describes this picture beautifully.

  4. Isn't there a variety of creeping ficus mixed in with an ivy? Whatever, it is gorgeous - and the remnants on the half-door even more so. Obviously, that door is valuable to someone for egress or they would not have torn the ivy away.

    Lovely post ...

  5. Julie said what I was thinking. The history of the window door is shown by the ivy.

  6. l'été est finit, on ferme les volets de la maison de vacances et on dit a l'année prochaine
    Summer is finally, we close the shutters of the apartment and has said next year

  7. I'm not familiar with English poetry and always happy when I'm introduced to fragments of it. This is lovely.

    I enjoyed the view of le Beausejour tremendously, I'm glad you took the Benauts there, I can see why they would love it.

    The spider and shutter was a beautiful shot and the encounter with the Orthodox priest just wonderful. I love your work - sorry I can't visit every day but I think of you often.

  8. A very good picture of the door with the ivy....
