09 September 2008

Summer's End - Les Girls

The main buzz of activity at night takes place around the Sablettes area of Menton but way down the beach towards Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, the bars and restaurants have trouble attracting the crowds - so they bring on Les Girls. They parade around, dancing, more than happy to pose for photographs and guess what, the place is busy and buzzing. I wonder why?

If you are driving home along the Promenade du Soleil after a night out in Menton, suddenly the traffic slows and you get a free cabaret and naturally you arrive chez vous later than you intended.

(I look these photographs before I was so patiently taught to change White Balance settings, so apologies for the bright yellow light. )


  1. Holy Moly! I wish that I could pull that off too!

  2. tu vas devenir mon blog préféré ;o)) et en même temps tu vas faire monter l'audience de ton blog ;o)).
    Les fêtes de fin d'été sont très belles.

  3. That's one way to celebrate the end of summer, and why not!

  4. Oops...
    The nipple tassels need some re-adjusting...

  5. Uh, who is looking at the yellow light?! ;-)

  6. Oh Jilly, I don't live so very far away and I never knew....
    I thought this must be Monte Carlo, just realised it's Menton..am shocked :))

  7. I have never seen a French ladies' nipples before. They look just like the ones I have seen though. Interesting.

    In spite of your white point setting, nobody probably noticed the lights.

    ALso, I don't know if you are interested or not or if you have ever seen a Pileated Woodpecker, but I posted one on My Birds Blog this morning. It is our largest woodpecker and this is the first one I have seen here in 46 years.

  8. Ah dearest Jilly, what a fantastic post! Yes Rose, the nipple tassels need some readjusting but I wonder how many men would complain.

    I was most interested in your comment about white balance, something you'll have to teach me when we meet. I'm sure with a teacher like you I would understand it all.

  9. Your empty beach photo of yesterday seems dreadfully flat in comparison to this one and the other two days ago. Who wants to see an empty beach???

  10. Nathalie, there's nothing I can teach you. Au contraire. I was advised, in artificial lighting to change the White Balance to the Tungsten setting. That's all. I didn't know that when I took this and took it in Night Setting automatic.

  11. You are the second person I have read today that talks about the white balance. I must go read about that! Nice shot...I can see why the men would love this place.!

  12. Poor girl, she looks awfully uncomfortable in that getup...hope she's well-paid...or at least well-tipped!

  13. I'm barely recovered from the 'tattoo' post. But I have to say I'm really enjoying the new direction Menton Daily Photo is going in.

    Thanks Rose, I'd have missed that nipple if you hadn't pointed it out.

    Jilly, is it ok if I make a to put up in my bedroom?

    What bright yellow light?

  14. The comments are almost as interesting as the photos! Whew! I think it would be interesting to take more photos of the bystanders who are watching. PS. I put a response to your comment on my posts re. t-ping trees.

  15. The French women are always a part of the beauty of France; in any way shape or form.

  16. I wonder what that little boy is thinking?!
    That would be neat to see...so colorful!

  17. Prediction: This post will garner the most hits today and well it should. The comments are so entertaining I might have to reread them all. To drag myself away from Les Girls (wasn't that an old movie???), I don't ususally like the tungsten or fluorescent settings for white balance. Often they make my photo too blue. I love the warm golden light, but realize it's not technically "correct".

  18. oo la la
    but the reation of the onlookers is really interested.
    the group of four in the first
    middle-aged chap is more interested in you taking the photos than the subject; women next to him is full of disdain thinking their bodies no better than hers, whilst the other woman just cannot bear to look and the older man is thoroughly enjoying the site.
    In the bottom picture the young lad just doesn't understand what the fuss is all about; his dad is goggle-eyed though and the woman is thinking "just wait till I get you home".

  19. Isn't it groovy that there are 2 Ming's with NY photo blogs! What a coincidence.. I mean 2 Johns would be understadable! The new Ming on the block is my super duper groovy friend from highschool!

  20. ah aha great capture, her smile is awesome you did a great job capturing her!

  21. Hi Jilly,
    Every time I come by I enjoy browsing through your posts and getting a dose of Menton. Really enjoying your "summer's end" series. What a lovely place Menton is.

  22. Virginia is right. I've been back 20 or 30 times.

  23. For some reason, I too feel like dancing. ;) Very nice photos!

    Those pesky camera settings are easily forgotten. White balance is important, it is one setting that I usually forget to change.

  24. Aren't your comments fun, Jilly? And I like the entire summer's end series. You do such a good job with your photos and the variety of them, too.

  25. We happened upon these ladies while returning to our hotel one night back in August - my husband nearly tripped over his tongue ...

  26. What beautiful girls - I love their costumes! It would be such fun to watch them dance!! And you made my husband's day... ;-)

  27. I don't know what's more entertaining, the woman with the wonky nipples or the difference between the focus of the comments of the women and those of the men. It really is funny!

  28. Far to cold here for these ladies. Night photography with artificail light is so difficult. I am constatnly impressed with the images I see on the cdp. You have doena marvellous job. ice golden tones and shadows and the tiniest glare.Very excting atomospheric images.

  29. LOl, this made me laugh, because in Sydney "Les Girls" is a cabaret nightclub where "les girls" are all "les blokes"!

  30. Jilly! we pass in fornt of the show, each night during holidays. We live the street just after " le mandibule"! So funny.
