22 September 2008

Summer's End - the Priest

A charming gentleman on a visit to Gorbio village. He's sitting here outside a house on the main square. A priest with the Turkish Orthodox Church, he'd just walked down following a visit to the Church of St. Barthelemy.


  1. Turkish Orthodox?? Isn't it "Greek Orthodox" (I am one and it seems to me that he looks like a priest from our church... Greek Orthodox...) Anyway, beautiful picture! He looks so nice and serene!

  2. Alina, I thought he said he was from Turkey and I did write it down - but duh..I can't find the piece of paper. It stuck in my mind tho. Perhaps he is Greek Orthodox.

  3. Beautiful photo! He seems to be enjoying himself.

  4. c'est sympathique ce portrait, tu as de la chance, a l'église orthodoxe russe de St Geneviève Les prêtres orthodoxes ne veulent pas être pris en photo.

  5. Grand portrait today Jilly. He looks so relaxed and happy.

  6. Trop top ton prêtre ; c'est avec des personnages comme lui que la religion sera admise sans problème

  7. Super la photo, Jilly. Très beau portrait en effet.

  8. That's just a really good portrait. The priest is relaxed and full of warmth. Makes me think of photos I once took of some Anglican priests at a formal reception in Wales, who were as stiff as can be. (Nothing implied about Anglican priests or Wales, it was just the image.)

  9. It would seem he is a Turkish citizen in the Greek Orthodox priesthood. Istanbul is the home base of the worldwide Eastern Orthodox churches, and there are still many Orthodox Christians there, in a specific portion of the city. Hard to know what his ethnic ancestry is.

    Having said all that, from the neck up, this guy looks very much like some of the Harley bikers out here in my neck of the woods! 6^) Give him some black leather to wear, and he'd blend right in.

  10. A really nice a peacefull picture. Nice catch.

  11. What a wonderful portrait - full of character!

  12. Greetings from Juneau (Alaska) Daily Photo!
    Simply wonderful. I love the details and textures in your photography.
    Happy Autumn!:)

  13. lol@uselaine! YES! A HArley Orthodox priest dude. He certainly looks relaxed and comfortable, whatever he is!
    Sydney Daily Photo

  14. Nice portrait, so unusual!

  15. I can see the Harley Rider, but my first thought was the Bosnian-Serb Radovan Karadic and who is hiding behind that beard? I have a feeling this guy is not hiding anything. He looks calm and relaxed

  16. If only, Jilly, your summer's end series would never have to end. Love it all....thank you for bringing us your Menton!
