05 September 2008

Summer's End - Russelia

A corner in Menton's Old Town brightened by a Russelia in a pot. Russelia Equisetiformis - also known as the Coral Plant - grows easily in the south of France although I don't have much luck in my garden. It originates from tropical America and Mexico and has a beautiful cascading form and colour that is so pleasing. I've also seen it in white and cream and bought both but neither survived.


  1. Je connaissais mais pas son nom, et je trouve que "Russelia equisetiformis" c'est un très beau nom qui fait rêver.

  2. I like the look of that plant. Different for me.

  3. Certainly brightened my day today.

  4. Gorgeous against that stone wall. Tres belle!

  5. That beautiful plant in what appears to be a warm sunny corner cheered me too, after days of almost non stop rain here in England our plants are looking very sad. Thanks Jilly

  6. We have this plant in Australia too - hardy thing it is and so pretty.

    Aaaahhh the change of seasons - how pleasant. Here we get The Wet & The Dry at the moment it is The Dry!!! Autumn weather is my favourite and I do miss it so!!!!

  7. Lovely texture and colors. I haven't seen it here, but I'll look now.

  8. It's beautiful! I would like to think I could grow it here, but I am afraid our nighttime temperatures are too low.

  9. The quality of your photo is excellent. The flower details are perfect without the sunny wall being over-exposed.

    I can't help with gardening tips, I don't have green thumbs: the plants on my rooftop terrace are barely surviving.
