04 September 2008

Summer's End - the Sail Boat

Summer is coming to an end although you'd not know it if you walk along the Promenade du Soleil in Menton. Yes, it's just a little cooler but that is welcome. Many take advantage of the beach and sea but as the children have gone back to school, it's less crowded. September in Menton is a fabulous time.

Here's a shot taken just before 18.00h last Sunday. We're on a boat coming back from a day on the water in Italy - a repeat performance of 'The Boat Trip' that we shared in July. I'm shooting against the sun - Menton and the port of Garavan await us as we follow this sail boat into the harbour.


  1. "C'est la fin de l'été
    À l'année prochaine !
    Au r'voir monsieur l'été
    Partez vous reposer...."

    Une belle carte postale de fin de vacances, au revoir mr le bateau.

  2. I've viewed your photo's over the last year and they are great.
    We have a place in Menton and get over as much as possible from the uk, but your daily photo's remind us of what we are missing so keep up the good work.

  3. Lovely shot that captures the end of summer so well. We, too, are looking at summer's end--and the beginning of our season, once those pesky hurricanes stop forming. Two months to go until THAT season is over!

  4. It is a lovely shot, Jilly. As all your photos are.

    You mentioned sending the photo to the newspaper in Japan and letting them publish it to see if the little girl would recognize herself and come forward.

    I have done that in the case of Jeanie and it was a monumental effort that ended up on national television over there and then on local afternoon, old folks, television and then on to Tanabata (the annual star festival) where they set up the photo and a booth and people could call in to a number if they knew where she was.

    And, would you believe it, someone did call in and said she was in the United States and had married a soldier and lived in New England.

    Then the operator or the person who took the call lost her telephone number. And look high and low and it was never found.

  5. Someone else suggested asking newspapers for help. Anyway, I will tell the story of Jeanie with her photograph on another blog. I forgot to add that to my post above.

  6. I could picture your day so easily. The warm air, slight breeze and scenic hills of the French and Italian coast. Ah, it breathes a refreshing breath of life into those of us so far away.

    Merci Beaucoup

  7. Yet another photo to feed my "French Envy". Jilly,
    sorry you couldn't hear Enzo Enzo sing this morning on my blog! It's lovely. I assume it can be played because Olivier left a comment about it. Try again when your PC is feeling better -HA

  8. That's definitely an end of the holidays shot. Beautiful clouds...it all looks so romantic.

  9. Lovely photo for the end of summer :)

  10. Like a painting...just beautiful!

  11. Such a beautiful site. That's the kind of site I would have loved to see coming back to New Orleans. In fact what we saw was a city with little damage (some trees and downed power lines) but little electricty -- which meant air conditioners weren't humming. A quiet hush. You could hear the birds chirping everywhere.

  12. Beautiful time of day to catch this great photo.

  13. I wish we'd had a summer to start with! I love this photo. The light on the water and the cool feeling the clouds create have been captured excellently by you!

  14. It's a quiet, peaceful photo with lots of great shades of blue.

  15. Lovely, lovely shot, Jilly. With the mood I'm in today, you have no idea how much I wish I were there.

  16. Wow, Lovely shot! I love the way light moves to the water.

  17. We began vacationing in Menton in 1995 and lived there for most of 2003. In fact, we lived on the Rue Longue which you photographed earlier. In 2003, we endured "La Chaleur" the great heat wave in Europe, and often took refuge in the beautiful cemetery you have also photographed. Sept. 1 was a magic day. The beaches cleared. We could reclaim our table at the Tabac in the Place du Cap, and Madam at the boulangerie no longer had to hide a loaf for "les Americains". Thank you for taking me home. I am in exile in Iowa right now, and think of Menton everyday.

  18. Karen

    Thankyou for your comment. I'm so glad you enjoy the blog. Gosh yes, I remember that heat in 2003 - it was just incredible. I seem to remember over 10,000 old people died in France that year. Too awful.

    It's so nice to know the blog brings you pleasure and brings back memories for you.

    Jilly x
