11 September 2008

Summer's End - Salade Mélangée

Many of the stalls outside Menton market sell home grown produce. I always buy my salad from one particular lady who sells her home-grown fruit and vegetables. Here you see her mixed salad leaves. They are always so fresh and last for several days in the refrigerator. Buying in this way, you get a wonderful mix of flavours without having to buy six different varieties of lettuce or roquette (arugula in America) and throwing half of it away.


  1. il ne nous manque que la sauce pour pouvoir en profiter ;o) 1 euro les 100 grammes c'est pas cher.

  2. Thanks for your early visit to Avignon, Jilly. I hope the benauts get to see my post today. Lucky you to have them today. I'll think of you three eating that beautiful "mesclun" on your terrace!

  3. So, salade mélangée will be au menu for Mr and Mme Benaud...Bon appétit!

  4. Nice looking what we call, "Salad Greens," over here. It is very good for you that you can buy from someone you trust. We never know what the salad greens we buy have had to go through to get here and some of the steps we wouldn't want to know or we wouldn't eat any salads.

  5. Elle a l'air bien fraiche ta salade !

  6. What a great idea. I would love to buy it fresh like that and you are right, I won't buy many different heads of lettuce because it does go bad before I can use it all.
    But we do have "salad in a bag" here and you can buy mixed greens. I do that when I want a different salad.

  7. That looks appetising and very fresh. Bon appetit!

  8. I'll just bet you have a grand vinaigrette recipe as well. This box of lettuce is a picture for sure!

  9. Ooooh, yummy! These look great, and I;d love to buy some.

  10. I am tasked with salad preperations for a special dinner party Saturday night. I wish I could pick up some greens like this. It would be perfect!

  11. MMM!!! Looks delicious and fresh is always best especially when you where you're getting it from.g

  12. Wish we had something like that here.

    Jilly, love to hang around, but I have to get back to hurricane watching to make sure Ike slides past us to Texas

  13. Looks delicious. I can't wait to try this salad next wk when my daughter and I come to visit Menton. I bought Oragami travel plates so that we can have cheap eats like this so that we can afford to eat at fancy restaurants like Le Louis XV in Monte Carlo :)

  14. Your photo looks good enough to eat!
