21 September 2008

Summer's End - the Spider

The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship - William Blake

Shutters on an old house in the medieval village of Gorbio. A metal spider with one leg missing.


  1. That one little word makes all the difference!

    Yet another vignette from your parts that I, for one, would neither plaster nor paint.

  2. For a very brief moment I thought the spider was real! Gave me quite a turn...and I don't mind them.
    Those shutters are magnificent...

  3. gorgeous pic - i probably wouldn't have noticed the missing leg if you hadn't mentioned it.

  4. Jill, thank you so much for visiting verona daily Photo!
    It was a surprise for me as well to discover your blog. I came to Menton thirty years ago, as a child with my parents. I treasure those memories. I'll be visiting you often. Love your photos. I will now browse through your other sites.

  5. Ooo,very artistic shot!
    you are a great photographer Jilly!
    My blog is updated and my topic is similar to your post,end of summer!

  6. Interesting how the paint is used to simiulate wood work around the window/shutters.

  7. Who could not resist trying to capture that paintwork. Somehow this is something that you can only capture in the Med. These islands could never produce that effect.

  8. Ha! Joke's on me! I thought that was real til you mentioned...not :-) I think I have a big metal spider around here somewhere, I'll have to find him :-)

    And beautiful colors - the saturated aqua against the maize-y yellow stucco, breathtaking. Good eye!

  9. Oh love the shutters and the golden wall. I could look at those shutters all day.

  10. Odd place to put a spider, real or not. The shutters make an arresting photo. That colour is definitely my favorite, too.

  11. Hi Jilly,
    I'm glad you decided to crop out the mountain. The picture has a much stronger composition now. More striking visually, like this one of the window too. The texture, color and geometry look very nice.

  12. I'm so glad you said "metal spider". I love the picture.

  13. vos fenêtres sont toutes très graphiques celle ci avec le mur un peu défraichi est particulièrement plaisante

  14. hehe, I was thinking "please tell me that's not a REAL one." With or without the spider, GREAT photo, i adore the old textured walls and peeling shutters.

  15. Really like this photo Jilly, great colors and texture, and the spider really changes the character to something uniquely personal. For a second, I thought that was a real spider!

  16. This could only be your part of the world, and that what I love. The spider minus a leg is a quirky extra to a universal med scene.

  17. Goodness, what a wonderful photo. Though I 'shuttered' when I first looked, it wouldn't be as intriguing with the spider.

  18. I'm glad you told us the spider was not real. If Menton had spiders this size the tourist trade would surely fall off ... The shutters are great.

  19. une belle création, de quoi avoir peur des araignées pour toute sa vie ;o)

  20. beautiful sun-washed colours, I love it!

  21. EEK! For a second there I thought he was real!

  22. Wow, that spider makes an Aussie daddy-long-legs look mild! LOL.
    Sydney Daily Photo

  23. I thought it was a very small window or a very big bloody spider!!!!
