15 September 2008

Summer's End - Wind

As you can see it's windy in Menton at the moment - probably the edges of a Mistral from the Bouches-du-Rhône. I snapped this from my car yesterday when I got stuck in traffic driving along the seafront.

The wind is blowing this lady's hair - the sea is dancing.

The night before we had rain - the first since May - unfortunately it came with hailstones - not the best idea when the ground is so parched - still I'm not complaining.


  1. It's still warm enough to sit outside over there, unlike here.

    Rainy and cold in Switzerland. Even the cats weren't so keen to go out onto the balcony this morning.

  2. Definitely a mild version of what we're experiencing in Avignon, very strong cold mistral wind - yuk.

    The sea isn't even choppy on your photo so it mustn't be that bad.

    Jilly I clicked on your Pension Milou link (hadn't done that in a while) - is it (fairly) new? It's a beautiful site.

    I burst out laughing when I read the quote on the home page!

  3. les derniers jours de vacances, malgré le vent on essaye d'en profiter, j'aime cette photo de fin de saison et ta série. J'aurais bien cette photo en b&w

  4. Oh that dreaded mistral I have heard so much about. London has had a stunning weekend. Typical, end of summer and we get a couple of days to remind us what we should have had. Lovelu colours in this photo. Especially the sea.

  5. Where is her sweater, it looks chilly!
    A gorgeous view though and she has the right idea!
    It's a bit breezy here in Virginia today but warm-ish. There is actually a fall feeling in the air :)

  6. I can feel the Mistral in your photo. As a student ages ago in Aix-en-Provence, home to Frederic Mistral, I suffered many a freezing wind in the winter...brrr. Every country has their wind; here it's the kosava, pronounced KO-sha-va! (There's an inverted circumflex on the 's,' but I can't add that here, or don't know how...

  7. Yes but you still have sun !

  8. j'aimerai avoir un peu de vent mais avec votre soleil

  9. A little windy but looks like a nice place for a quiet afternoon.

  10. This is all so impossibly exotic to those of us here in the center of North America. This is hardly a Mediterranean climate, though, and we couldn't imagine four months without rain. You must get your local water from the Alps. We're having the wettest year since they started keeping records.

  11. The sea in your photo is exactly how the sea outside my house looks today. The wind is blowing here too but the locals have such tight curly hair is doesn't move - aren't they lucky. i walk outside and my hair turns inside out!!!!

  12. beautiful capture of a quiet moment.
