24 October 2008

Autumn - Mothers' Meeting

Bit of a grey ol' day today. We're near the entrance to the Old Town, above the port and beach.

These pigeons are waiting for customers to arrive at the cafés below - ever hopeful they'll get a croissant crumb.


    Je déteste les pigeons, c'est une vraie plaie a Evry ;o((.
    Mais bonne photo de cette brochette

  2. Oh, dear, I suppose grey days come to us all! Has been COLD here the past few days, but warming up for the weekend.

    Today I'm in "Wonderland" !

  3. Olivier, I'm with you on this. I find pigeons to be dirty birds - some of these didn't look too healthy to me either.

  4. Yes, they bring all sorts of diseases...I saw it's now forbidden to feed them in Venice, a real revolution!

  5. This crowd look hungry and a bit impatient. I like the photo a lot, your perspective is great. Personally I don't want them flapping around my food!

  6. Oh Jilly, what a lovely photo on your profile!

  7. Don't tell a soul but it's about 12 years old! I'll pretend I don't have the wrinkles I see in the mirror...

  8. Don't tell anyone but the photo on my own profile dates much more than 12 years! ;-))

  9. The anticipation is the key to their being there. Somehow it gets in their genes that people give treats and they come back generation after generation. It is a nice photograph of some really special looking birds.

  10. Gosh now i know what you look like - how nice!!! A stunning brunette - i thought you'd be a stunning blonde!!!
    Interesting how names are blonde, redhead and brunette.

    Grey and windy and quite cold here today - very strange for the tropics.

  11. Very cool shot! I love this.

    I gave you a BFF award on Detroit Daily.

  12. She has got her beady eye on you! Great photo.

  13. This photo anad the one below are a lot alike. Either these pigeons are tame or you were using a zoom, either way it's a really fun picture.

  14. We're having a grey day here too. It's been drizzling non-stop all day and I haven't been able to go out to take photos. :-(

  15. I love the photo. I know they make a mess, but they are pretty with all the variations of color and patterns.

  16. hah. I love this!
    I don't mind pigeons so much..I like seeing them around and find them reassuring.
    Great that you got so close in without frightening them.

  17. Now this is my kind of photo Jilly!

  18. The collared doves ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_Collared_Dove)
    are much prettier. We had a pair of collars who came to our balcony at the Hotel Napoleon and would eat peanuts and biscuits from our fingers. So delicate and lovely.

    By the time we left, they would sit on my hand to eat.

    But I don't like feral pigeons much. Vermin really... :(

  19. So love this and your comment - made me laugh!!!!

  20. Explanation - When I commented last time - I couldn't download the photo - today i can see it!!!
