09 October 2008

Autumn - the Sunbather

Even on a windy day you can find a sheltered part of a beach in Menton. This was taken only 20 minutes before the 'windy' photo I posted two days ago.


  1. The horizon is the place to be. And what a view this is.

  2. It looks very peaceful. Maybe I would fall a sleep.

  3. est ce que 20 mn après nous avons retrouvé le baigneur?

  4. On dirait un bonze à la plage! Chez nous aussi, le calme et le soleil sont revenus, on aurait pu se baigner ce matin mais nous devions sortir le bateau de l'eau pour l'hivernage...
    Merci, Jilly, de tes visites et de tes commentaires. Je te souhaite une belle journée, sans soucis ;-)

  5. Love the angle you took this, I feel like I'm sneaking up on him ;)
    What a beautiful day this is!

  6. Even in the height of summer here an image we would seldom see. Spot on with the horizon, so straight and the red juat opos off the page. Great shot.

  7. Jilly, thank you for making a place for me right next to that person. It's so warm and wonderful, and I'm just going to take a little cat nap in the sun. Thank you also for placing that one little cloud hanging in the sky. It's a perfect scene.
    Seattle Daily Photo

  8. c'est un baigneur qui a oublié que les vacances sont finies ;o)

  9. ahhh...looks so relaxing...it's balmy today on Long Island, but definitely no longer warm enough (for most!) for laying on the beach...

  10. That's what you call foreshortening! Neat angle.

  11. The composition in this photo is so good. Love the low horizon, big sky, very low angle on the sun bather and the strip of sea you kept between his (I think) head and the horizon.

  12. Absolutely grand. Love that red popping out. How did I overlook this one yesterday?
