12 October 2008

La Fête de la Branda - the Gourd

Perhaps the strangest instrument. This lady is playing what I presume is a gourd. At the beginning of the day this group - Le Ravanet Club - walked all through the village, stopping at various places and playing to the sellers of cheeses, breads, olives etc - they played to the people running the bric-a-brac stands, they entered the village gift shop and played. All great fun.


  1. Well I'm partial to the guys with the straw hats festooned with the cute red flowers! What does a goard sound like???

  2. How's your internet connection doing, Jilly? Any better ?

    The gourd is amazing. I wonder if it was grown locally or imported from Africa?

  3. Holy Moly! That is sooo cool! Now can she play a pumpkin?

  4. Nous attendons une petite musique sur ton blog pour voir quels sortes de sons peuvent sortir de ces étranges instruments

  5. Yep, these photos plainly show La Branda at work. These instruments were not constructed with clear heads.
