14 October 2008

La Fête de la Branda - Vide Grenier

Vide grenier - literally 'empty the attic.' Perhaps we'd call it a bric-a-brac sale or a garage sale.

You might recognise this square - the church is to the left and recently I posted a photograph of a brass hand (door knob) and the next day the door and facade. It's the same door you see on the left. Click on the link to see how different it looks without the children's clothes and toys.


  1. Welcome back, Jilly!
    This photo looks great. We have the same type of bric-a-brac sales throughout Italy (usually on the first, second, third or fourth saturday and sunday of the month.
    I visit a few which have a permanent sales and it is amazing what people throw away sometimes..

  2. Octobre le mois des brocantes et des vides greniers en France. Il y a du choix chez cet exposant

  3. Makes me want to go garage sale shopping this weekend, lol. Love the door with the hand - great catch!

  4. I just commented on Monte Carlo that your photo was an example of the differences in France and the US. Well this one makes us kindred spirits for sure. I had a garage sale not long ago. The "junk or treasures" looked about like this. DIfference? Well my garage can't hold a candle to this fabulous village with those incredible walls and gorgeous doors.

  5. Great work! Excellent photo! I love it!

  6. J'aime aussi le vide grenier de Menton, rue Saint Michel. Les brocanteurs n'ont pas encore accaparés tous les stands.
    Le pavé sur la place parait être interessant. Il ressemble peut être à celui de Sospel sur la place devant l'église.

  7. When I saw it on the portal, I thought it was a colourful load of laundry drying in the sun!!
    What a great place to do a garage sale

  8. quel bazar je ne crois pas qu'il vendra tout
    mais est ce vraiment important ?

  9. One man's junk is another man's treasure. I absolutely LOVE vide-greniers, garage/boot sales, and thrift shops. Am addicted and shameless.
