09 November 2008

After the Storms - Where River meets the Sea

Menton is built over rivers (perhaps too large a word - streams?) - you'd not know it as you walk along the promenade but at the base of every valley the water pouring off the mountains, after rain, has to go somewhere and of course, that is to the sea.

Here you see water from the Torrent de Gorbio where it meets the sea. The smaller photograph shows that same river taken from the opposite direction. You see the bridge - part of the promenade that joins Roquebrune-Cap-Martin to Menton. You can also see some of the rubbish thrown up by the storms. (Click to enlarge)

Recently, the Carei, the river running along the Route de Sospel (the road that runs from the sea to the autoroute) has been built over at vast cost and now the main road runs over it. And in Nice-Matin the other day, I read millions of euros are to be spent doing repair work over the river that brings water down another valley - the Borrigo.


  1. A fruitful spot for some good images here, Jilly.

    It's worth reflecting on how the popularity of the area has in fact destroyed or seriously damaged just about everything that made it so popular when the English Upper Crust invaded it 100 yrs ago, revelling in the natural unspoilt beauty.

    I love hearing Charles Trenet's song La Mer.......how well he evokes the images of this gorgeous place........Les etangs, les oiseaux blancs, les ondes, les roseaux, la mer............think I must rush to put it on immediately.

  2. Jilly
    Please,aren't Tennis Court in front of the sea? Whooo!excellent!

  3. I hear others speak as you do, Chuckeroon - but remember when Lord Brougham first discovered it - in Cannes, he wanted to move along the coast and was stopped by the river Nice because cholera lay on the other side! So Cannes got settled by the English first. There are improvements - no cholera for one!

    But yes, I have friends who remember this area 60 years ago and tell me how wonderful it was, but truly it's still pretty nice! No comparison to the wildness of PNG tho or say David's Costa Rica tho which I find fabulous.

    Anon, there is a swimming pool in this area and also a football pitch. No tennis tho.

  4. So, we see here how they keep the sea full. Très intéressant.

  5. oh I love La Mer. I think I'll listen too. Thanks Roon!
    THis is so peaceful a scene Jilly that I think I will sip my tea right here on the beach with you!

  6. UUMM! I can't muster up anymore words...just a dreamy feeling!

  7. Wonderful picture, the calm after the storm!

  8. As well as the beauty of the area, Jilly, I appreciate seeing these "structural" images, too.

  9. It is good to note the two imgaes for comparison. I have a very rose tinted glasses view of this area, so I see all as the main image. A nice jolt of reality for me and a history lesson too.

  10. A mesmerizing shot seaward. I imagine there can be considerable damage from large quantities of water pouring off those hills.
