02 November 2008

Autumn - the Dog who loves Water

Alpha is cooling down in the area next to the wash-house in Gorbio. He's a Berger Blanc Suisse (White Swiss Shepherd Dog).

Note the 'tap' which is a cut off plastic Pellegrino bottle.

You can see the main washhouse below which sits under a roof supported on pillars. A windy day and leaves have blown in, but presumably the ladies who use this will clean it out before doing their washing.

To learn about this breed and to see more photos of Alpha - is he the dog with the longest tongue? - click on Riviera Dogs.


  1. He is absolutely lovely and the look in his eye is so mellow. A wonderful dog!!

  2. I always think a dog is hot when he pants like this with his tongue out. Yet I see dogs at work like police dogs and seeing eye dogs who also have their tongue out but are not over heated. I have always wondered if they are just thirsty.

  3. Davvero bella! Amo le tue foto, vivo a Sanremo e conosco bene Menton.

  4. Is the washtub in regular use still then, Jilly? I mean for washing clothes, rather than just dogs...LOL


  5. Lynne, apparently yes. I have to pop up to the village on a day when it's wash day - a friend who lives IN the village says the women don't have a special wash day - just I need to get my timing right. I will!

  6. Wonderful sequence of photos! Have you yourself ever tried washing in those tubs? It might be an interesting experience!

  7. Wonderful image and he really loves it!

  8. Oh Autumn is beautiful!!!! I'd love to see that wash day photo as well :)

  9. The first, it's a wonderful shot Jilly. It's absolutely superb !

  10. He's beautiful! And he does look very happy to be in the water - my big lab, Daisy, would be right in there with him!! ;-)

  11. He's beautiful and looks so happy! This is an especially timely post as we all know tha for pets, this is Nosevember. I've got another kitty on my post today Jilly but she's only drinking from a water pond, she wouldn't dip so much as a whisker in the water.

  12. Little does Alpha know or care that he's being viewed around the world. Your photo made me smile.

  13. Fabulous portrait of Alpha. The white stone and the white dog, just lovely. I am surprised that washing is done here but what a beautiful spot to do your washing! You outdid yourself today Jilly. I want to nuzzle Alpha and give him a big hug he is so beautiful

  14. Beautiful dog and beautiful photo!

  15. What an awesome picture, I really like it! The white dog looks so cute!

  16. I have always been scarde to clivk on riviera dogs.. i would become obssessed. This gorgeous dog is why.

  17. A truly beautiful dog--and a lovely fountain as well.

    That dog is gorgeous!

  18. Alpha reminds me of this French expression, "connu comme le loup blanc", beautiful dog (yes, what a long tongue!) and beautiful photos. I do like your reader's portrait too, as many visitors did (so many comments, wow!)

  19. Un chien d'esquimau !!

    Une belle fontaine mais j'attendrais un peu que la température monte avant de plonger

  20. It's bath time! What a great photo. He looks like he's enjoying cooling off :)

  21. Ils sont si résistants au froid ces chiens ! Ca me déculpabilise un peu de voir ta photo : pour le moment je garde deux chiens dans une maison qui est en vente. Les chiens ne peuvent pas rentrer dans la maison (parce qu'ils ont été mal élevés). Ils doivent donc passer beaucoup de temps dehors. Ca me fait de la peine mais je ne peux pas faire autrement.

  22. Magnifique !
    I took a couple of dog photos here in Avignon recently. Have no idea what breed they might be. I'll rely on you the day I post them.

    I loved your blogpost about "demande et je te donnerai ce que ton coeur désire" - lovely !!!!

  23. What a great photo of beautiful dog. We used to have a German Sheppard / Labrador mix who loved to lay in a kiddie pool in the summer. We still miss her even though it's been many years.

  24. j'adore me baigner. des que je trouve de l'eau, je me jette dedans, hiver comme été....belles photos, merci Madame Le Photographe.
