03 November 2008

Autumn - the Games of Childhood

Games in Gorbio village. One of the best things about bringing up children in a village is that they can play safely. No cars in these medieval streets and no one to bother a child. No worries about strangers. Windows have eyes and everyone knows everyone else - someone would soon see if a stranger was talking to a village child.

In this photograph, the children have been playing with two others who have just disappeared down the steps.

Don't you love those red boots!


  1. I love it when your photos tell a story! What a beautiful scene. The doorway and fountain are wonderful as well! I like those boots too.:)

  2. oh les petites curieuses ;o) une belle photo qui raconte une petite histoire.

  3. What a great way to grow up! Love this photo and those boots :)

  4. I like the dog trying to get a word in edgewise.

  5. I was happy to read your post today about Menton and the safety there for children. It is exactly like the village where I was born and grew up. Everyone knew everyone and anybody doing something wrong would be promptly reported to parents. People just looked out for each other and their children. That town in what I am posting daily on my Gordon, Ohio blog.

    Your white dog photo sure gets around. He or she must be a town favorite.

  6. What a charming photo, and story to go along with it.

  7. The curious dog and the wonder at what is down that way is too much fun.
    Great shot!

  8. That looks like a fun place to play - lots of nooks and crannies!

  9. Is that the same dog from yesterday?

  10. The dog also seems to have fun !

  11. Mme Benaut, no a different dog. This is a labrador today - yesterday's was a Swiss Shepherd Dog but from the back, they certainly could look alike. Today's is smaller tho.

  12. like Julie I love the dog here too

  13. Yes, the dog seems to completely in on the game. 8^)

  14. I *do* adore the red boots! and the safe village where the children can play...

  15. C'est vraiment très charmant !

  16. Absolutely wonderful picture...worth a thousand words and a million bucks.

  17. interesting in how we percieve the world when we watch out for each other.

  18. Un village qui se prête au cache cache

  19. I love that the dog is included in the fun. He is also trying to sneak a peek down the stairs.

  20. Somehow, these 'a day in the life' photos so touch the heart. I would love to be peeking around that corner myself! Wonderful post Jilly.
