25 November 2008

The Chestnut Fête - the Roast

The fires are ready and the chestnuts are roasting. In the main photograph, chestnuts are put in the drum and every so often you hear a most satisfying noise when the drum is turned. Clatter, clatter, clatter...

In the smaller photograph, you see chestnuts roasted in a more conventional way.

What appear to be old gas or oil containers - chopped in half - contain the fire.

This festival started in 1985 with 50 kilos of chestnuts. This year, with 2000 visitors, 350 kilos of chestnuts were roasted during the day.


  1. 350 kilos de châtaignes, c'est impressionnant. j'en prendrais bien un peu.

  2. I see you use the same chestnut roasters up there that are often used here!!

  3. That is a lot of chestnuts, to say the least!

  4. Reading yesterday's post along with today's...I'm thinking about crowded streets, warm alcohol (starting at 10:00 in the morning), chestnuts...boy howdy, this sounds like a hell of a festival! I'm planning my winter vacation in Menton!

  5. I love roasted chestnuts.. I have a small bit of them ready for my oven. It's such a treat at this time of year.

    I wonder, will there be roasted chestnuts available in Paris at Christmas?

  6. The chestnuts look great; I esp. like the smaller photo. But, where's the wine that was in yesterday's post??

  7. Ashamed I tell you in Paris they had chestnut vendors and I was too chicken to stop and try. Now your contraption looks like a version of a Birmingham Bar b q smoker! Throw some Boston butts and ribs on there and we could go to town!

  8. Oh, I want to hear the tumbler turn!

  9. This is wonderful, Jilly! Would love it. Thanks!
