10 November 2008

The Photography Exhibition -1

Each November Photo-Menton holds an exhibition at the Palais de l'Europe and each year more and more photographers take part. This year 86 amateur and professional photographers' work was on display.

There are several awards as well as one voted by the public. Entry is 3 euros and with your ticket you are given a small voting form to choose your favourite photographer.

Click to see Nice-Matin's reportage and photograph of this event.


  1. ...and? Were some of your photos there, I hope? I've been neglecting my blog visits, but have browsed your recent posts just now!!

  2. I wonder, Jilly, did you pick up on any theme among the photographers? What seemed to be the most photographed? "People. Places. Things."

    That might be interesting how well abstract fared compared to realism in photography.

    Your photography of the exhibit focused on the people and their attire. I was surprised at the number of boots I see the ladies wearing.

  3. That looks interesting. And a good place to get new ideas about photography I guess.

  4. Photography exhibits are always a distinct pleasure. I also hope that you entered one of your many excellent photos. Do tell!

  5. Abraham, there wasn't a theme - there was a real mixed bag - animals from Africa, desserts, people in Vietnam - Menton view, people, shapes - just about everything. Also photographs that are fantasy - images imposed on other images. A bit of something for everyone and some of it so impressive - and right, Steffe - I found some work really inspiring. People were very friendly and were happy to explain how they'd taken a photograph.

    And Bibi and Kate, no I've never dared to enter photographs but I did meet up with a friend from Monaco - she is a wildlife photographer and we've both bitten the bullet and filled in an application form for next year. Now I've a year to worry about it.

    Although no theme, there was a side-competition on the subject of swirls, curves. Some beautiful photographs of that.

  6. I meant to write deserts - not desserts although come to think of it, there were some of those two!

  7. Oh I wish I could have seen this and bravo for filing out your form for next year. You have a world of wonderful possibilities! I don't know how you will choose. Maybe we can vote!

    These are great today. Events like this are hard with so many people moving about. A shot can look cluttered with no real focus. You nailed it.

  8. I wondered if I'd find you here, Jilly when I saw it advertised. Now if you'd been exhibiting I'd have shaken off some of my seasonal apathy and come over to visit..I'll definitely be there next year though.
    Love the extra sharpness of this shot.

  9. Nice to see how others do it but you should have entered! Next year we want to see your winning photo up on the wall :)

  10. You've never entered! Shame on you. We expect entries next year. I would love to have attended this. In my profession of photography, it's actually rather limiting here re exhibiting. Take advantage enter.

  11. Very nice opportunity for amateur photographers.

  12. Yes, well done form plucking up the courage - you'll be a triumph!
