01 November 2008

Theme Day: Books

He shades his eyes from the sun. She rests an arm on his chest and continues to read.

'There's no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It's like falling in love.'

- Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957)

It's the first of the month and so it's Theme Day for City Daily Photo bloggers with 178 blogs participating in the 'Books' theme. Do spend some time enjoying the many interpretations I know you'll find. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. The blessed ease of familiarity ... personally I could never read a book with one hand ... or maybe I could if that were the option for the other hand!

  2. It's a creative scene and a delightful spot to focus on the theme. But, how can one read with all that scenery available for the eyes to see; guess it shows the power of the written word!!

  3. I have to agree. That must be one interesting read, not to be distracted by the surroundings.

  4. oh my, to be in so comfortable with the one you love. Tender touch, enjoying a good book. I'm envious.

  5. I'm glad to see she is wearing sunglasses. If I try to read by sunlight, I burn my retinas! And I'm glad you explained those hands. At first, I thought she was shading his eyes.

  6. Superb take on the theme today, Jilly! The quote too is spot on.

  7. Lovely photo - more to it than meets the eye...

  8. Great quot and great photo :)

  9. J'aimerais la position de l'homme : du soleil et une copine qui lise un livre

    Heureux homme

  10. Good job on this one Jilly.

  11. Yes, snap! I love their matching black tops and jeans - a real day of relaxation.

  12. That looks very relaxing. What was the reading?

  13. Steffe, I don't know what she's reading. I tried enlarging the photo and looking but it's impossible for me to read. Perhaps a romance!

  14. what a great moment!:)

  15. Great capture. A lovely way to spend an afternoon

  16. Wow Jilly! and you even walked in front of them, what a courage!

  17. Aaawww. How sweet! Love your photo!

    Do visit Norwich Daily Photo and find out what I have in store for this month's theme. Happy theme day! Enjoy your weekend!


    A Pinay In England
    Your Love Coach
    I, Woman

  18. Jilly! You've done it again! You have such an ability to capture that elusive "je ne sait quoi."

  19. Great photos! I love the quote :)

  20. Weather report....biting, cold easterly wind, damp with frequent showers of fine particles of soaking rain, 100% thick grey overcast, muddy underfoot, with unpleasant sea-going conditions in the Channel between Dover and Calais. Temperature around 5-6 degrees. Recommended clothing: good wind proof, fully water repellant garment, ideally with high collar or light scarf well tucked in. Hat essential and gloves advised for extra comfort. Photography conditions: specific and rather limited.

  21. Love the second photo. It almost looks like she is transmitting to him what she is reading from her fingers to his eyes. Or maybe the poor guy just has a headache:)

  22. This one made me smile! My husband and I would both be reading, though I think I'd be staring at the wonderful view half of the time! :D

  23. I love the photo with this quote, beautiful :)

  24. It's a peaceful, tender scene that only Jilly could be able to capture. And she did it in fact.

  25. What a lovely and romantic capture..
    Is there anything better than reading a good book with your loved one very close by...

  26. Beautiful scene. . . It reminds me of the movie "Nottinghill." Love it.

    Thanks for your kind comments. . . .Hopefully I'll be commenting more when the semester ends!

  27. Great picture _ I saw Sally's pic but this one (esp with t'extra) is super dooper - so much to be read into the picture - I'm sitting out this month's theme for once.

  28. These pictures are lovely - so romantic! I agree, I love sitting and reading with my loved one close by (though actually, we're more likely to be sitting there with his'n'hers laptops, lol!).

  29. Ah the quote goes perfectly well with the photo! Great choice for today! Happy theme day!

  30. Ah the quote goes perfectly well with the photo! Great choice for today! Happy theme day!

  31. Oh Jilly, that just couldn't be lovelier! Perfect quote, too.

  32. Steff,Jilly and others interested...
    Maybe ,she's reading:
    "Vous revoir"(2005)from Marc Levy,a french novelist

  33. Love the two angles you've given us today! Splendid!!

  34. Anonymous, I think you might be right. I've one other pic I didn't use, have tried to enlarge it enough to read but it's hard - but it looks right. Well done!

  35. A wonderful photo story Jilly.

  36. Cae here from Old Man Lincoln. I was privileged to grow up in a home with (literally) thousands of books.

    I know what you mean.

  37. Hi Jilly! Back to the Blogosphere to visit this wonderful blog! And this time with a great theme shot!!
    Loved to learn the French lesson... ;))
    Meanwhile Blogtrotter is now strolling somewhere around the Holy See of Echmiadzin. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

  38. Wonderful shots; great captures.

  39. Ah, but reading by the French Riviera - that must be a truly good book. Wonderful people-love-books shot for Theme Day. I also had to look it up & yes, it is, Marc Levy with English title of Finding You. I've only heard of his movies. Maybe I can try reading this one in French...peut-être...

  40. I confirm she's reading "Vous revoir" by Marc Levy, the sequel to "Et si c'était vrai".

    Great shot, Jilly!

  41. What a great shot although from what i can see it is a shame she is reading instead of taking in the view of the blue water

    Happy theme day!

  42. I like the story that you are telling here. The complementarity shot tells all.

  43. That is such a romantic photo. It reminds me of the last scene in Notting Hill. Awesome shot and brilliant interpretation of the theme.

  44. Jilly,
    They're so in love. You've captured a moment perfectly.
    By the way, if you're a walker or runner, or even a bike rider, listening to books on tape, especially on casette, is a great way to get some miles in.

  45. Lovely, original shot for Theme Day!

  46. I love these photos. The color of the water is so refreshing. They are so comfortable with one another. I think this depicts a great relationship as well as a great theme day. xoxo.

  47. What a great set of photos! Well done.

    Happy Theme Day!

  48. Looks like she is mutitasking. Sheilding his eyes from the sun and reading.

  49. Very lovely candid photo.

  50. What a beautiful photograph. It is so romantic and your words add to the romance of reading...

  51. Looks like a great place to spend an afternoon with a book.

  52. What a tranquil and romantic photo. Love it.
