06 December 2008

The Chestnut Fête - the Piglet

We're back in the medieval hill village of Roquebrune for the Chestnut Fête with just a few more photographs to show you.

These photographs make me angry. At the foot the village on one side of the road was this very young piglet and on the other a pretty little kitten - both used as bait to stop people. An exceedingly aggressive young couple were trying to get people to buy boxes of sweets (candies) saying the profit goes to animal welfare. No paperwork, nothing. I said I'd buy a box on my way out of the village as I didn't want to carry it around as I was taking photographs. At this point the man got abusive, the woman prevented me photographing the kitten and off I went. I spoke to a veterinary nurse later - she is a lady who lives in the village. Like me, she thinks it's a total con. I can tell you it was a freezing cold day and not the weather for young animals to be stuck out like this in the wind.

Maybe it's a genuine welfare organisation - maybe some of our French readers will know better but I've seen just this exact same situation at other markets - very young puppies on display and the same variety of sweets. If it is genuine, then it might be helpful if the people were gentler and had some paperwork to prove their cause.


  1. That is so sad! I would refuse to contribute to anything without documentation. They are merely panhandlers without it, and should be removed by the police.

  2. They should string the lady up by her titty nipples and if there was a man involved he should hold the rope around her neck. These are wackos and if there is a God, I hope He cooks them in Hell, if he created such a place.

    We have "humane societies" that take care of things like this and it is a good model for your country to adopt to put an end to this brutality.

  3. Cute piglet! But what a cruel way of doing business, exposing animals like that.

  4. Such a cute piglet. I know my daughter would love to take him home. What these people did was very thoughtless & cruel. However, perhaps it was a case of desperate times called for desperate measures. With the world being in recession I suppose we will see this kind of thing .. and worse ... happening more often. This is exactly the time when we should all spread more love, compassion & empathy so that the animals who cannot defend & speak out, end up being the victims .....

  5. You should report them to the police.

  6. Charlotte! Cute little piglet. A shame these people use animals this way to sell their wares. I wonder what the city would have to say about this.

  7. Such a cute little piglet...I'm sorry the people were mean to you. There is no accounting for lack of decent behaviour.

  8. Oh yes, I know these people too and I'm very angry each time I see them on the market...What can we do when even children are used by their parents to beg in the street...

  9. Its such a cute little piggy, its so sad that it is being used in this awful way.

  10. Such a sweet photo but a sad story. Poor little things out in the cold!

  11. I would be angry too Jilly. Pity the police weren't on hand to prevent them from doing this-whether they are a genuine organisation or not. You ought not to be allowed to have babies out in the cold like that, whatever you claim your cause to be.

  12. I wonder if Steffe is right. Are the breaking any laws? The poor little thing looks so sweet and miserable. Just what the bad guys what me to feel.

  13. Nice and funny!

  14. Sorry that happened -- and it's disappointing to hear it happens else and not just here where I am. Animals, unfortunately, are easily exploited. So we appreciate thoughtful people like yourself.

  15. Poor little things. Not fair is it?

  16. Wow., What a cute little thing.

  17. Sorry I am not interested this pics.

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