07 December 2008

The Chestnut Fête - say 'Fromage' and Smile!

Walk up the hill from the car park and one of the first stalls you pass is the one with the cheeses.
The cheese seller has travelled from the Pyrénées - the part near to the Basque country - a long way to be here today.

He's selling Tome de Chèvre (goat cheese) from his part of France but he has cheeses from other regions, indeed other countries - for instance the Beaufort comes from Savoie and Gruyère from Switzerland.

All the cheeses on this stall are hard cheeses. In the local markets, of course, you find many soft cheeses, especially those made of goat's milk.


  1. Oh, I love cheese! Unfortunately, the swiss-type cheese seem to make the inside of my mouth itch, so there must be some obscure component that is different than the others. But my favorites are the soft cheeses, anyway.

  2. Jilly,
    What are your favorite French fromages? I need to branch out more. Love these big wheels. Made me smile.

  3. Ohhh, I'm so envious! I love cheese of all kinds but European cheeses are so expensive here. Hmmm… I think I'll splurge for Christmas!

  4. I love the photos. They speak of abundance.

  5. Le fromage ? Oui oui oui !

    J'adore tous les fromages. I love all manners of cheese. I could live on that and lettuce I think!

  6. Jilly yesterday's piglet was the cutest thing I ever saw! That top picture is a dream, I love it!

  7. Love your piglet photo from yesterday. And your title for today's photo ... When I lived in Belgium, 20+ years ago, we found relatives in Switcherland. When we visited one of the highlights from our trip was that we went to a dairy which had been in the family for centuries. There were many blocks of cheese just like this. Thanks for the memory.

  8. I'm not very brave when it comes to trying different cheeses, but I adore goats cheese, especially if its top quality. Delicious.

    I like the title of your post today. It made me smile!

  9. Well, now you've done it. I went out tonight and bought about eight different kinds of cheese. Where could I have gotten such inspiration...

  10. la france, le pays qui produit plus de 365 sortes de fromages. belle photo

  11. Tomme de chevre is one of my favourites but your post made me smile as on Saturday I was in the supermarket where they were selling Stilton but from a whole Stilton. Of course I couldn't resist..

  12. j'adore le fromage mais pas plus de 200 gr par repas sinon aie aie aie la balance ;-)

  13. I love cheese. My mouth is watering.

  14. The photo makes me yearn for some good cheese. Coming from Wisconsin, the dairy state, I have a high regard for good cheese!!

  15. Hi Jilly - thanks for the link over at my blog. The Beaufort certainly looks like a Swiss Bergkäse
