30 December 2008

Graffiti in the Old Town

Yes...well I wish I wasn't showing you these photographs. Graffiti in the old town - in the Places des Fours (that's where the bread oven would once have been found).

I took the photo at the beginning of December but today, in Nice-Matin, the square is featured with the words 'Sad decoration for Christmas.' Too right. Hopefully now that it's had some publicity, it will be cleaned up.

For anyone interested, today is a BIG DAY at Pension Milou as we are adopting two dogs rescued from a Hell Hole. Shut in a roughly 2 metre square run for 8 years, never let out and never cleaned out. Yes, living on 8 years of excrement. They were lifted out of there yesterday and are currently en route to me from the Languedoc - should be here in a few hours! Obviously, I've not met them - the first dogs given a home by email! If you want to follow the excitement please read more on Postcards from 'Pension Milou.'


  1. I can't stand to see graffiti, I guess there is no place in the world that is free of it.
    I am so excited about the dogs you've rescued! So sad to see animals abused. I just started a donation drive on my blog for the ASPCA, hopefully I'll get some donations!

  2. Cameras...that seems to help preventing people to write on walls, at least here in Arona.
    I am really glad that you were able to free those two dogs. It is incredible how (so many) people treat animals this way! A happy new year for them shortly, and a Happy New Year to you and your family too, Jilly!!

  3. This is plain vandalism! Taggers should deface their own property if they feel the need to do so, but not someone else's. Sadly, confrontation with taggers have had fatal consequences in America.

    Jilly, kudos to you for opening your heart and home to Maya and Miss.

  4. Graffiti is typically the thin edge of the criminal wedge. When graffiti takes hold in a community and is not quickly and effectively stopped, other anti-social behaviour and more serious crimes are likely to follow in a relatively short time. Hopefully the Menton authorities will stamp this out before it is too late.

  5. criminal behavior defacing these gorgeous buildings.

  6. OH ...good luck and how kind are you....shameful what some will do to animals.....
    Jilly, hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  7. They are not taggers - they are criminals.

    Now to go over and read about the doggies ... power to you, Jilly.

  8. Graffiti is NOT art as many want to portray it. It's LITTERING OUR CITIES. It makes me so angry. Sad decorations indeed. A disgrace.

  9. Vandalism is repulsive and also very human. Your camera exposed some of it; your heart will help cure another form. Best wishes for a happy 2009.


  10. la betise humaine est sans limite, et cela est bien dommage de voir un si beau village ravagé par cette serie de graffiti

  11. Sad dogs story on postcard!
    Thanks to you,It is becoming a great Chrstmas Story.
    You are a great English Lady Jilly

  12. So bad! When we know that these façades have been repainted recently and how much it costs!!

    You're a kind woman, Jilly! You offer to these 2 dogs a new wonderful life that will begin in 2009!

    Happy New Year to you Jilly.
