20 December 2008

A Menton Christmas - Mother and daughter

This is Frederique (you met her last year) and in the photograph below, you see Emilie, her daughter. Both delightful and look at those gorgeous eyes that twinkle with life.

Frederique owns the beautiful gift shop in Gorbio - but at Christmas, it's closed and she takes over one of the stalls in the Menton market. The owls you saw the other day come from her stall.

Don't you just love the 'bride' Frederique is holding?


  1. Love the bride. Wish I could buy 4 for the granddaughters! and the post below is adorable. Where have I beeen the last few days???

  2. They are beautiful! You can certainly tell they are mother and daughter!

  3. Lovely shots and great blog! :-)

  4. It is so chic, where as in the uk it would be tacky.

  5. Mother and daughter? No, impossible! They must be sisters!

  6. Bunny bride looks cute, soft and huggable.

  7. Great portraiture. How do you get people to pose for you?

    I need to start taking photos of people.

  8. Wow those two look so much alike! The photo of Emilie could be mistaken for a picture of Frederique when she was the same age.

  9. You really excel at portraits, Jilly. These are wonderful! The merchandise is so cute, and while I do really like the 'bride', I see a rooster over her shoulder that would be a wonderful addition to my collection!
