12 December 2008

A Menton Christmas - Sunshine at last!

We've had rain for days, maybe weeks - I've lost count. Suddenly this morning - blue skies and sunshine. Oh happy day...

As you see, excess water, a bench in the middle of a puddle - but who cares? The sun is back! And these people are enjoying it.


  1. belle photo, il faut profiter au maximum des rares rayons de soleil

  2. .....ummmm, well, if you say so,J. I've got a similar shot of a place where the seats aren't so full....but I'm resting, so you'll have to wait. ;-)

  3. i on the other hand can't wait for some rain. it was 80. it is suppose to rain on saturday for 4 days....hurray.

  4. We just finished a day of torrential rain, and today we too have sunshine. Doesn't it feel great after a cleansing downpour?

  5. I love the chap looking up at the sun, eyes closed. Great capture.

  6. Isn't the sun after interminable rain a blessing!
    I miss "roon and he hasn't even been gone a day! Awwww!

  7. You must not have had this posted when I went through. . because I don't remember seeing it!:(

    But I LOVE this photo. . . It looks like such a pleasant day! I sure could use a relaxing, pleasant day like that!

    Thanks for coming by & commenting on my blog too:)


  8. oldmanlincoln's (dad's) lung collapsed again...check my photography blog for updates for now!

  9. Thanks to the puddle you captured their reflection as well.

  10. It's not natural, that's what I say.... (sunshine that is)

  11. Looks like it is nice and warm sitting there in the sun. Wouldn't mind being there, alas I live a little more to the North and it's cold her. Brrrrr
