24 December 2008

A Menton Christmas - Where art thou, Mother Christmas?

Not a sexy Mother Christmas outfit (although doubtless that too) but a display to show off jewelry for sale in the small Wednesday market of Carnoles, near to Menton.

Where art thou, Mother Christmas?

Where are thou, Mother Christmas?
I only wish I knew
Why Father should get all the praise
And no-one mentions me.

I'll bet you buy the presents
And wrap them large and small
While all the time that rotten swine
Pretends he's done it all.

So Hail to Mother Christmas
Who shoulders all the work
And down with Father Christmas
That unmitigated jerk.

- Roald Dahl

This poem was published as a charity Christmas card to benefit the wonderful Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital in London.


  1. Just to say hi! ,and wish you and your love ones a great 2009!
    Fernando Casals.
    Buenos Aires,Argentina

  2. That would be one Santa Claus I would let in our house. LOL

    What an outfit that is. Do you suppose people wear it or would wear it?

    I want to wish you and your family, including all the wonderful animals in your life, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from me and my wife, Patty.

  3. I like the outfit. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

  4. If Mrs. Claus can wear that, more power to her! Have a very merry Christmas!!

  5. Well that is a cute little Mrs. Claus suit! And I like the pretty necklaces too!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family :)

  6. In the French way...Chic and stylish....

    Seasons Greetings with health and happiness to you as we go forward.


  7. Hi Jilly! Sorry for the absence, but these last weeks were a nightmare. Just dropped by to wish you a great holiday season! Hope to be back before 2009... ;) Merry Christmas!

  8. I guess the fury trim is to keep the wearer warm. If this is the trend it could revive my interest in Christmas.

  9. Only in France, and thank heavens for it.

    I'm sorry if my post today was a bit obscure. I added an explanation of sorts to the comments.

  10. Merry Christmas! Oh, this Christmas poem was so funny!

  11. Aah ... sex sells! :-)
    Have a great Christmas!

  12. Joyeux Noël, ma chère Jilly!

  13. It's too cold here for that outfit.

    Merry Christmas.

  14. Jilly, your photo made me laugh.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  15. And a very Merry Christmas to you, Jilly. I like the poem...yes, Mother Christmas needs more credit.

  16. Great outfit. You should have modeled it for us Jilly! Merry Christmas and thanks for the laughs.

  17. I'll take the outfit :)

    Merry Christmas

  18. I was about to say "only in France," but Bob beat me to it! Reminds me of the outfits the girls in the singer's accompaniment wore in Love Actually!
