05 December 2008

Quintino and the Old Elm Tree

Regular readers of this blog will know the old man who sits under the 300 year old elm tree in Gorbio's square.

Sadly, Quintino is no more. He has passed on aged 93 and the village has lost one of its senior members.

Always wearing his cap, he'd politely lift it when greeted. He loved to sit under the tree watching the world go by and taking part in village life.

The beautiful old elm, planted in 1713, will miss him...and so will we.

(Click on the link to see an earlier photograph.)


  1. Hopefully his passing on was peaceful. It's always good to see the very elderly a part of the community till the end, instead of spending their last years discarded into nursing homes as is often the case in some countries.

  2. What a lovely tribute you have written and the first photo is just perfect.

    His passing will likely leave a hole in the life and heart of your city.

  3. Thanks for sharing his photos with us. He looked like he lived a happy life.

  4. What a lovely tribute. I love your shots of him....93....and in fairly good health most of them? I can onlyhope the same for my loved ones......

  5. Sad to hear Quintino has passed on. From your post it appears he enjoyed his last years ... I especially like Quintino expression in your "Ladies' Man" post ... I hope my last years are as pleasant.

  6. We last saw Quintino in July, we introduced our Grandaughter and her husband and we walked with him and his wife up the path beyond the Chappelle de St Lazaire, at their garden Rebecca and I were presented with large bunches of vervaine 'pour votre santé' Happy memories! Thank you for the lovely tribute and the main photo is so appropriate

  7. Beautiful portrait again, Jilly. 93? I didn't guess he was so old if you didn't tell us.

  8. RIP Quinto - I guess he had a good life but it so sad. Luckily he is immortalized with such love on your blog Jilly!!!

  9. Yes, I'm glad you introduced him to us as well. Condolences to his family, and to the village.

  10. I do remember your earlier photos of him. Sad to hear he is gone. You have paid him a very nice tribute.

  11. You have a beautiful portrait here, a living memory. Sorry to hear this news of your village loosing a citizen.

  12. Oh no :( I do remember him - especially the picture of him at the wedding in the square.

    On a happier note, those flowers in the top photo are beautiful.

  13. That's a beautiful tribute to yoour friend, Jilly. The top photo made me tear up.

  14. absolutely great...

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