01 December 2008

Theme Day: Circles/Spheres - Globes Gone!

Once again it's Theme Day. Today's Theme is Circles/Spheres and here you see a couple having a picnic by the sea in Menton - the street lamp with it's large globes in view.

A few hours after taking this photograph, the globes were GONE - taken down, as you in the smaller photograph leaving space for Christmas decorations which we'll see another time.

Bloggers from 187 different cities around the world are taking part in today's Theme and will, I know, interpret this theme in a myriad of fascinating ways. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.


  1. Happy theme day! Its a shame that these lamps have gone, but I'm sure they'll be back once Christmas is over. They are perfect for today.

  2. I would quite happily like to on tht bench looking up at those wonderful globes.

  3. It looks like a wonderful spot to look out at the sea. Happy Theme Day.

  4. I like a good just-in-time shot. I hope the decorations are worth the effort.

  5. A just in time photo. Nice touch.

  6. Beautiful scenic picture and taken just in take aye?!

  7. Circles that just happen to be next to a beautiful sea crashing into the wall. Nice theme day post.

  8. Une scène qui nous réchauffe un peu

    Quel ciel !!!

  9. A scene I would have been all over in Paris. Oh my. Ain't love grand.

  10. I can't wait to see what went up in its place, Jilly. I'm sure it's something elegant and interesting.

  11. Beautiful view and shot Jilly. Please let us see what has taken their place.

  12. une belle composition et bon choix pour le thème du mois. J'aime beaucoup les ombres des deux personnes sur le banc.

  13. A lovely spot for a picnic...and a lovely photo for theme day! The streetlamp globes are perfect! I am curious though to see what Christmas decorations took their place. You were lucky to take this photo before the globes were removed.

  14. Love your many shots of that magnificent stretch of sea and sky along the road, Jilly. Just in time globes worked just right for your theme day post!

  15. Quite a lot of work to actually remove the globes for the decorations. One has to schlepp stuff to and back both times.

    I didn't sign up on the CDP, but I do have a sphere planned today. It'll go up in a couple of hours if things go according to plan.

  16. Love the street lamp globes and the sky.
    Great choice for theme day.
    Have a great week.

  17. Clever shots! They could have just placed colored light bulbs inside the globes and left them there, along with the Christmas lights!

  18. Ooh, I can't wait for you to post a pic of what replaced them! :) Happy theme day!

  19. Well you got there just in the nick of time. MB

  20. Good job you caught them in time. I hear that the Gorbio, Menton footpath has been blocked by a landlide. What awful weather!

  21. Will you show us the Xmas decor when it goes up?

  22. Lovely composition and a great choice for theme day.

  23. The globes are lovely! But I can't wait to see the Christmas decorations.

  24. Sitting by the Mediterranean is so pleasant and a sphere suggests completeness. A lovely symbol for the day.

  25. You caught the globes in the nick of time! Lovely!

  26. I keep missing theme days! I am so sad. I did not post my "circles" deliberately. Your photos are very pretty, Jilly.

  27. You caught them just in time.

  28. I love sun and sea. Great colours, a very relaxing photo.

  29. A perfect example of "here today but gone tomorrow."

  30. I love those globes. It's so perfect that you'd use this photo, then they came and took them away,lol...I can't wait to see it all decked out in it's Christmas finest :)

  31. It is so funny that you captured the removal of the spheres! they sure looked lovely by the azure sea.

  32. What a perfect shot for today! amazing that you got them taking the globes down as well....

  33. I arr back to late to register so will have to enjoy everyone else's spheres and circles!!!!

    These are wonderful set against that amazing blue sky!!!!

  34. You took the photos just in time!
    It's nice that you never see the same thing all year round in Menton ;-)

    Happy Belated Theme Day.
