11 December 2008

A wander through Roquebrune village - Provençal Rose

A shade of pink typical of this region - they call it Provençal Rose. Three village houses - all different yet creating an interesting group.

It's worth mentioning that there is no access for cars in the village - the streets are far too narrow. The parking area is below, so everything - everything - has to be lugged up the hill and then walked through the village, up steps, down slopes, to home. And then there is often a staircase to negotiate - see the house on the right.

...no wonder the old people live so long.


  1. In the end, all of this walking probably keeps the locals healthier than anything else. They must have big, strong leg muscles.

  2. And I suppose the last thing they need to worry about is flooding. It would take at least a year of fitness training in preparation, for me to get the best from a visit there.

  3. c'est magnifique, cela me fait penser au village dans le lot : collonges la rouge, toute la ville en rouge, ici toute la ville en rose. j'aime bien la vierge au dessus du passage

  4. What a beautiful village. Every photo of yours present a unique beauty

  5. A very healthy lifestyle indeed.

    I love the soft "rose provençal"

  6. That sounds wonderful. No cars. And it sure looks like a beautiful village.

  7. So beautiful these houses are, each unique. Interesting about no cars. Great exercise!

  8. Wow, what a lovely village. No cars sounds wonderful, but the lugging - not so much. But I bet life is not as hectic.
    Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog. :)

  9. oh dear, quaintness has its price yet keeping in shape is not a bad thing!!

  10. Gorgeous soft pink color. Each house different but lovely in their own way. I love this place but I'm tired just thinking about it!

  11. superbe ces maison des couleurs rayonnantes

  12. I had the same thought, as you expressed in your last sentence, before I read it ... Love the blue insert and statue above the door on the right.

  13. I'm sure they don't sit around watching TV and snacking on salty, fatty chips/crisps either.

    Thanks for telling us about the distinctive color, Provencal Rose.

  14. What a place to wake to every morning. I think that's why they live so long -- the desire to see this again the next day.

  15. Take me there now. It's all I envisage my retirement to be.

  16. This is not the village for me..

    I just love that colour though..

  17. No need for expensive gym fees! Beautiful colour.

  18. I had the good thought,

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