05 January 2009

Village Wedding Revisited (32) - Throwing the Bouquet

Un, deux, trois - wheeeeee - the bride throws a wedding bouquet. In fact, there are two bouquets because her mother (the lady with the hat) is holding the bride's bouquet for a few moments.

In the smaller photograph, everyone looks delighted to see who has caught it. I believe it means the young lady will be the next to be married and I suspect the bride threw her bouquet with great attention as to where it landed!


  1. commencer l'année par un mariage, c'est du bonheur pour toute l'année

  2. On my son's wedding (recently) the bouquet landed in the hands of one of the elderly (80) ladies. Well, hope is the the last thing to disappear. Also in Italy the wedded couple is the last to leave the church, where all guests are waiting outside to throw rice in general. As it was snowing, the younger guests also threw a few snowballs. Lovely atmosphere in your photos, Jilly!!

  3. I noticed that the groom is also dressed in white; is this common?

  4. Blognote, that's too funny. And yes, same in France, the couple leave the church last.

    Kate, I've attended marriages in France where the groom wears a dark suit.

  5. Happy photos! I'm glad everyone is happy with the girl who caught the bouquet. Sometimes it's push and shove to catch it...!

  6. I like this wedding photo. Now they can go and get on with their lives in private.

  7. ahhh ! le lancer de bouquet de la mariée, une belle tradition...
    vous nous direz si la jeune femme s'est mariée ;-) !

  8. I wasn't you that caught it then! Nice photos.

  9. Indeed, even after posting for the time when you were in the States, you still have many wonderful wedding photos left Jilly. The one of the bride here is to treasure.

  10. Please,Jilly,could you look at a
    comment I have left on Monte Carlo Post 2 january? Many thanks.

  11. What a joyous party, looks like everyone having a lot of fun.

  12. A lovely photograph of a special time for all. Love the bride's expression!

  13. Beautiful photos! I always love a good wedding.

  14. Apparently she has the accuracy of a major league baseball pitcher. Your wedding shots are so full of live and gaiety.

  15. In Argentina they have a custom that is similar to the boquet toss, except they do not have to wait for weddings. Apparently on any occasion when the cork on a bottle of champagne is popped, if the cork hits a bachelor he will supposedly be the next man to propose marriage.

    I was told of this custom by the parents of my son's girlfriend. We enjoyed a delightful afternoon at their house during a visit to Argentina, where they and my son live. They then proceded to open a bottle of champagne and threw the cork to hit my son from a distance of a few inches.

    They are a delightful family, more charming than subtle.

    By the way, Jilly, thank you for the comments that you left on my site during the past few weeks. I have not been able to respond until now because I was traveling in Australia and New Zealand for the holiday season. Best wishes to you for the new year.

  16. How lovely.It is the same here in America...throwing the bouquet!
