01 February 2009

Theme Day: Paths & Passages

The Old Town of Menton, every perched village near to Menton - all are crammed with little pathways, covered walkways, passages - here is a covered passageway in the medieval hill village of Roquebrune. I posted a closer shot of this a while back. The sign on the right shows where the writer and diplomat, Romain Gary, lived. (Please click on the link to see that photograph and read more.)

By the way, in case you wonder why there is a bottle of water on the street. It's to stop dogs peeing against doorways - the idea being that the reflection puts them off. You see plastic water bottles in every hill village.

Today, being the 1st of the month, it's Theme Day on City Daily Photo (Paths & Passages) and as always there will be a myriad of wonders to see on blogs throughout the world. Please click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Tomorrow: - we walk the old Donkey Track to Gorbio village.


  1. Happy Theme Day Jilly!

    Love passages like this. :-)

  2. ah those anti-canine water bottles again - I remember your butcher's shop quiz!

  3. What a wonderful little scene. Just lovely.

  4. I like you choice of pathways. This one is probably rich in history.

  5. Which passageway to choose; you have so many - a lovely shot! And yes I remember the water bottle quiz too.

  6. So very pretty, no one around; quiet....

  7. I did not know about the water bottles to deter dogs. In Argentina there are piles of water bottles left in a few spots on the side of the road, each bottle with a little water in it. It is a tribute to a story about a mother and infant who were in distress because they did not have any water. Nearing death, the mother lied down on the side of the rode so that her infant could nurse, which the baby did, until discovered and saved by someone, after the mother had passed away. People now leave piles of bottles with a little bit of water in them in certain places to sustain a possible future traveler in distress as a memorial to the mother who saved her infant.

  8. Oh I wish we had little pathways like these....beautiful Jilly :)

  9. Oh my goodness, David, that is the saddest most tragic story.

  10. This is so charming!

    Do the water bottles really work? And dogs are allowed to walk around loose in Menton?

    Pardon the questions again please. Sometimes I just can't help it :) Happy Theme Day!

  11. Apparently it works in the villages. I tried it here once but with so many dogs it didn't seem to do much good. And yes, in the villages, you'll find local dogs wandering around and lots of cats, of course.Not many wander off leash in Menton tho - some in the Old Town and of course along the seafront, especially on the three dog beaches.

  12. I have never heard that about the bottle of water....wow....this street just looks so cozy to stroll down....pee or not!!!!

  13. Lovely sight Jilly! This reminds me of Capalbio, near my hometown, back in Tuscany!

  14. Un des plus beaux villages que j'ai pu visiter.

    Un village spécial pour le tehme du mois
    One of the most beautiful villages I visited. A special village for the theme day

  15. I will try the water bottles by my mailbox once the snow melts. The neighbors seem to think it's okay to let their leashed dogs pee on my flowers. It is their right to mark their territory. I don't know who irritates me more, the dog or the owner.
    Thanks for visiting my site today. I love my vicarious trips to Menton. It offers me a ray of sunshine on a cold and gloomy day.

  16. Even before I got to you sight, I was thinking what a perfect place to photograph passages and paths.

  17. Beautiful shot for a beautiful place, I think this theme has not been too difficult for you, Jilly! You've made me laugh with these bottles!

  18. Jilly, this is a wonderful choice for theme day. It has character, color, architecture, and makes me want to walk down it to the other side.

  19. Looks a lot like Italy! Lovely photo.

  20. I knew you were going to own this theme. You have shown us wonderful paths in Menton forever, and your knowledge is amazing. I would love to visit some day.

  21. I love old towns - they have so much character. Your photo paints that picture.

    Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comments.

    A Pinay In England
    Your Love Coach
    I, Woman

  22. What a wonderful picture of a lovely colorful passage!

  23. A lovely old pathway. I love wandering around areas like this.

  24. Menton and Roquebrune are perfect for your today's theme. Your picture is colored and welcoming.
    We would like imediately to get lost in this maze of streets and passages.

  25. I love this one. I like how your eye is drawn to the terracotta coloured wall. And I like the wee preventing bottle! :)

  26. just beautiful... so beautiful!

  27. This is just how I visualise my favourite counrty. I know rose tinted glasses, but not here. Really is adorable.

  28. I've heard about the anti-dog-pee bottles, this is the first time seeing one. Jilly, you've shown us so many paths and passages and they are so beautiful. You could show a new one every day I would still be fascinated. Great posting for theme day.

  29. Hi Jilly - now this is why I love Menton! I'm glad you explained the water bottle. People here sometimes put large jugs of water on their lawn for the same reasons. I've also seen hanging ziploc plastic bags full of water to keep the flies away. I'm not convinced any of these things work!

  30. I love the fact that there is a door under this passageway! I wonder if those bottles work - or if the dogs just pee on them!!

  31. Delightful choice for your theme day post. I find the reflection/water bottle thing so interesting!

  32. What a fantastic image and place. It seems so cozy and wonderfully secluded. Absolutely great choice for this theme day!
    Thanks for visiting and your kind comment.

  33. Greetings from the middle of snow!
    And thank you for your visit here!
    People of Dailybloggers are like old friends, who are still friends even it`s a long time, when we met :)

    I wish a beautiful week to you!

  34. I remember the closer view you showed us of that archway by the home. I love it.

  35. Wonderful photography from you

  36. Wonderful photography from you

  37. That's what I used to like so much as a child in Menton: the passgaes made it feel so much like a make believe place, where one might wander into parallel universe at any time.

  38. Great choice for the theme day. I guess you would want to be very careful walking out the front door in the archway it being so close to the street!

  39. What a beautiful setting.

  40. What a fabulous looking place. I would love to end up living in a town like this.

  41. A great theme day shot. (I know, I am a little late -- it was a busy weekend == we had the grandkids in.)

  42. Ha! Love the water bottle story as well as the photo.

  43. Beautiful picture and what a great solution to the dog pee problem!

  44. What a funny place to live under that arch...your entrance door and window!!
    A beautiful choice for Theme day.
