12 February 2009

Wind - 2

Taken a moment or two before yesterday's photo, these mothers and their children are determined to get to the water's edge, despite the wind.


  1. ils sont courageux d'aller sur la plage par ce temps.

  2. I can feel the biting wind and smell the salt air. Crisp and clear photo.

    I'd immediately catch a cold---my head without a hat is really sensitive.

  3. I must say, Jilly, that we had high winds here last night and again today. I mean these are really high or fast or whatever the word is. There was a tornado watch out last night but none dropped out of the sky here where we live. The electric skipped a beat several times and the lights dimmed and came back on. I don't know how a bird could ever fly.

    I like your picture but also noticed the beach is empty except for these four. I bet they are tourists.

  4. Not a good idea I would think but they must be desperate to get the kiddos out of the house!!!

  5. Ouch, my ears sting just looking at that photo.

  6. Love the sand's color...
    A version of a Breath of fresh air!!!

  7. What do they do when they get to the water's edge? Brr.

  8. We have a SUPER WINDY day today too.

    Actually dangerously windy.

  9. I guess they got the beach all to themselves.

  10. Lovely scene. I guess the kids just had to go to the beach and their mums took them.

  11. We've been having high wind today lately on Maui too! Our boat was rocking and rolling on the ocean today!
