20 March 2009

The Motorway Menders

Perhaps not your usual idyllic Menton image but a necessary part of life down here; mending the motorway. This is the main A8 autoroute that runs along the French Riviera into Italy. All the tunnels along the way are being renovated - a European directive since the Mont Blanc tunnel disaster in 1999, where tragically 41 people died - work that will take several more years to complete.

Here employees of Escota, the motorway company, are working on a part of the autoroute below the village of Gorbio and above Menton and just a few kilometres from the Italian border.


  1. I'm glad the top photo is seconded by the larger view, suddenly it becomes scaringly striking!

    I remember taking this autoroute, the succession of bridges and tunnels makes it an engineering wonder!

  2. I loved your barbecue on the beach, I remember the trailers there when I visited Menton, there was a lunapark at the time. I guess they're moving on to the next town...

  3. Sorry I spent so long without commenting, time is slipping through my hands. I just wanted to add how much I enjoyed your photo of THE KISS. It's wonderful and I love the story behind it too. Is a re-enactment the same as the original? Yes when it's done in the same spirit!

  4. You are right to aknowledge the usefulness of these kind of photos, our cities aren't only funny or picturesque stuff.
    These photos are awesome, especially the second one.

  5. I agree with Vogon Poet and Nathalie. The two photos give us a distinct sense of perspective. And the CDPB works at its best, I think, when we see a city, really see it, and everything that happens in it, or very nearly, so that viewers around the world get a true sense of the place.

  6. Boulot pas facile. C'est bien de rendre hommage à ces hommes.

    Mais bon sang, je suis rétrograde et je regrette qu'on défigure la nature au nom de la circulation des voitures !

  7. Not idyllic but interesting.
    Often, I was wondering how and how often security teams controled these buildings. Because of the vibrations, seepages ......

  8. It is nice to know that the powers-that-be are concerned for the safety of the people.

    I never used to think about driving over bridges or going through tunnels, but our infrastructure is poor and the number of tragedies is increasing...so now I hold my breath every time I drive a flyover...

  9. So THAT'S how they do it! These are engineering marvels.
