07 April 2009

Buried Alive!

Do you remember being buried in sand when you were a child? I've a photograph somewhere - just my head shows and I recall to this day how clammy and uncomfortable it was. We dug a deep hole, in went the victim, and on went the sand...and it was so heavy you couldn't get out without help. Scary.

"Children's games are hardly games. Children are never more serious than when they play"

- Montaigne

This photograph was taken at the end of February on one of Menton's public beaches.


  1. jeu d'enfant, que l'on faisait a nos parents sur les plages quand ils faisaient la sieste

  2. yes thank you for bringing back those fond memories..

  3. Nice post and very apt quotation. Yes, I remember well the sandy beaches of Tirrenia a long time ago...

  4. Do you have any idea what that cord was for? Your comment about being buried in sand made me remember days at the beach. You don't have to go too far down to lose that delicious sun-licked warmth and arrive at the cool, damp stuff. But on a very hot day that too can feel wonderful...at least for awhile.

  5. And, forgive me, the sand gets in everything.

  6. Just a note to let you know how much I enjoy my daily visits to your sites. This is a part of France that I find is paradise.

  7. I'm with BSquared, it does get in everything. I couldn't do it. I love the beach but hate the feel of sand on anything but my feet! Great shot though Jilly.

  8. Gah, am I the only one who gets chills seeing this? I don't like the thought of it.

    I'm looking forward to your series on Corbusier's Promenade.

  9. a photo to remind us all of our playful youth!

  10. J'étais à Menton ce matin, il y avait beaucoup de gens en train de bronzer malgré une sorte de légère bume !!

  11. Being buried. Who doesn't try once in one's life ? Fortunately, they weren't in the pebbles beach : )
    Otherwise, they would have played skiming pebbles. An other classic game.
    Of course children are serious when they're playing. They play with their whole heart, and all this is very serious at their level, they don't have hindsight.

    A slice of life in your picture, Jilly, and an accurate quotation.
    That's a good idea the daily quotation.

  12. Brattcat, this photo was taken when the Lemon Festival was on - in fact it's taken near to the massive stands and that cord had perhaps been part of cordoning off the rest of the beach behind the stands, so no one could get in for free!

    Z, I will start on the Corbusier Walk soon but tomorrow we start a new little series on the renovation of Rue Longue, which is the Old Roman road and the road around which Menton was built in 1250 AD. I'm looking forward to the Corbusier photos too as I adore that promenade.

    Catherine, so glad you like the quotes. Some days a photo seems to call for a quotation, other days not. It's fun finding them. Thanks.

    Arnaud, how about that! You were in Menton today. Another time, shout and we'll meet up for coffee.

  13. I think we've all been buried at the beach at some time! I think its one of the rites of passage of being a child. Actually, I've just remembered when we buried a friend of mine and made his sand-body a mermaid, with breasts! Lol!

  14. Very good lightning in this one, and a funny scen. :)

  15. I remember being buried in the sand, but not so deeply that I couldn't move. I think I liked it! But it was a long time ago. Memory fades... What a fun picture.
