17 June 2009

La Ronde des Plages - Hot!

The runners are on their way back to the finish line. In the smaller photograph, you see the winner. He led from the start.

I wonder if the runners notice the beautiful Old Town as they run past. The man in the main photograph would have nothing on his mind but that blissful cup of water.


  1. superbe le portrait, j'adore la mimique du coureur

  2. Agree took the words (water!) right out of my mouth. Great portrait!

  3. I bet you that the winner saw nothing but the street he was running on. But the slower runners probably noticed more!

  4. No problem to feel the heat from your pictures! The face of no. 34 is wonderfully catched!!

  5. Anonymous17 June, 2009

    Looks like this guy ran through a rain storm but I suspect he has just doused himself with water in the cup. Either that or he is sweating profusely.

  6. The winner's body looks as if it was designed for running. Beautiful. And the city behind your shots, also beautiful. I suspect the runners noticed nothing but the road during the race, but after the race...that's another story.

  7. I hope that more runners would wear caps in the heat you describe. Perhaps the man in the top photo had been wearing one during the race.

  8. Kate, it was early in the morning so it wasn't that hot, except for the runners who were very hot!

  9. You captured that top photo at just the right moment!
