12 June 2009

Old Wall, Old Man

He's old and uses a stick but it wouldn't surprise me if this gentleman is pretty healthy. Why? Because he lives in the Old Town of Menton and so has to walk up and down steps and slopes each day. It's the same for those who live in the surrounding hill villages. They have no choice but to walk.

He's sitting opposite the Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs in the Place de l'Eglise, which adjoins the Parvis Saint-Michel - hence the beautiful mosaic beneath his feet.

Later...my buddy in Ohio wrote and asked if I'd tried this in Black and White. I had but decided to leave it in colour - to me Menton is all about the wonderful colours. Having said that, I do like it in B and W. What do YOU think? Which do you prefer?


  1. The first thing I noticed is the colours of the houses which are exactly the same of the houses in my last Monday post, here a bit faded.
    You have really some beautiful benches there and so well placed, so this old gentleman can have a deserved moment of rest from his forced daily 'exercise'.

  2. bien vu la photo de cet homme, j'aime beaucoup

  3. Wonderful portrait, Jilly. Lovely colours. Like the focus. Gives me thoughts and ideas which I value. Thank you.

  4. Anonymous12 June, 2009

    I thought this guy was looking at his laptop when I saw the photo on the portal at CDP. They still have newspapers over there? The one my daughter gets used to be quite normal, in size, as newspapers go but it is now about the size of a child's comic book. And, come to think of it, it also contains some writing children would enjoy not to even mention the photography. Now, most of it is contributed in the form of "Your Pets" on parade or some such thing. And, the miracle of miracles, Cox owns it.

    Abe Lincoln
    Brookville, Ohio

  5. C'est le grand-pere de qui? I like the color photo better. He's a "hip" grandpa with his walking sandals! I bet he'll live to be 105! Bravo! Bonjour d'EAGAN daily photo

  6. I also prefer the color. The man himself has very nice color sense and has placed himself where his form adds to a very fine effect.

  7. I actually have never seen the same 2 pictures side by side (one in color, one in W&B. Except for portraits, I like the color photo so much better; it seems alive and so cheerful.

  8. I'm a big fan of B&W, but in this instance I agree that the color version works better. And in Menton, the colors I have seen on your blog are just wonderful. There is something about the light that is fabulous. Bon weekend.

  9. The color adds to the effect.

  10. My vote is for color, although the b & w is a good photo and would stand alone, the colors of your city and photos are just so lovely.
    Beautiful photo and I hope he lives a very long time.

  11. Prefer B&W as a medium but this works better in colour. He may be old, and he may have character, but he is a modern man. The colours of the wall and his clothing are also nice...

  12. I knew you'd prefer the color the second I saw the juxtaposition! Wonderful, beautiful shot!!!
    I love the subtle contrasts in texture, color and human character you catch in Menton!
    You make me want to not only visit, but live in this contemplative place... but, then again, I wouldn't want to disturb this magical place for more than a visit...

  13. Color color color! The B&W is wonderful but could be anywhere, anytime. With color, my eyes scan down left to up right, where the blue sky backs that incredible Menton light. And w/color, we get shadow and modeling of the round stones. Abe, my newspapers have also shrunk; all the cartoons and kids' stories make the papers attactive giveaways to schools for "Newspapers in Education."

  14. Great shot. I like the color the best but, I'm a very visual person and color is very improtant to me.

  15. This B/W debate drives me nuts. There are thousands of examples of really great B/W images, a lot of them taken before colour film had been invented. But why would you want to change an image with so much rich colour into B/W?

    Drive me nuts I tell ya.

  16. Jilly, that's exactly what I was going to say. For me, Menton pictures have to be in warm colours. These ochre, orange, yellow gives life to the scene.

    This old man is a wonderful subject, you know how I like when you make pictures of people. I can bet that he is reading Nice Matin.

  17. color. i like his sandals, very hi-tech.

  18. Honestly, I did not notice the b&w when I first commented.

    I like 'em both ...

  19. Well, it looks like the other bloggers prefer colour for many good reasons. The B&W, of course, is quite good, but the colour gives it depth of feeling. I prefer portraits and this one speaks volumes. The expression "if walls could talk" could apply not only to the walls here but to the man, also. What a lifestory he must be able to tell!

  20. Julie, you didn't miss it. I added it later!

  21. Anonymous13 June, 2009

    So, I will have to hide a little more.

    I'm not so old but, with my grey beard, you may be mistaken and put me in your Menton pictures as an old Menton guy. Hahahahah!

    If you come by the Bar du Cap usually between 5 and 6 pm you will catch me and my Carole.

    Just ask to Melanie, the "serveuse", if she saw Luc and Carole from Montreal.

    See you then,...until the end of the month.


  22. Do I really have to choose? What I like is to see this gentleman, with a little smile, his stick, his newspaper ... and comfortable shoes! :-)

  23. WEll I knew where Wayne and Peter would line up on this debate. Moi? Well I like them BOTH. Peter's right though,that little smile is just the absolute best. This sweet man is happy and you captured him perfectly Jilly. What a wonderful portrait. BW/color, it's fab no matter what.

    PS Do men ever wear anything but comfortable shoes, Peter??? ha

  24. Love how you catch these portraits Jilly.

  25. Luc,

    I'll try and pop in but 5 to 6 is feeding time for the dogs...

  26. Definitely colour this time.
