22 July 2009

Fête Créole - the Flowers and the Fruit

Small wonder that Créole clothes are so colourful. Just look at the flowers, the fruit and the vegetables.

Here you see Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise) in the main photo and Heliconia (below) and in the smaller photograph - bananas, ginger, yams and carambola (star fruit) and of course, limes.

"If life gives you limes, make margaritas" - Jimmy Buffet


  1. nous voila dans la foret des dom-tom

  2. Petit coup de blues, avec toutes ces photos creoles. Jái eu la chance de passer pas mal de temps a l'Ile Maurice pour mon travail, et mon Dieu, que ca me manque! Photos superbes!

  3. Very much like the Bird of Paradise that is scattered across Sydney, Jilly.

    And of course I took your comment as tongue-in-cheek! Just as was my post ... dogs and cats are wonderfully different and I love them both ... I just dont have space for a dog ... or the energy to run him!

  4. Julie, on reflection I think you are right. The first photo shows Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise) - the last photo is indeed a Heliconia. I'll change the copy.

  5. The colours and shapes are stupendous regardless of the names. Do you know that we are in the depths of winter (well, yes, YOU know that) but that today in Sydney it was 23C and I spent it gallivanting on a ferry around the harbour. Talk about bliss ...

  6. Anonymous22 July, 2009

    There are some pretty flowers here. I don't have these here where I live but I have seen them.

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  7. If it's true that we choose the colors of our wardrobe to match our natural environment what's with the timeless NY black?

  8. I can not tell you how much I enjoy your work with color. It is simply amazing. Your photos just leap off my screen when I load your site. It always brings a smile to my face when I see them.

    I do understand the emotional connection you spoke of yesterday. Thank you for the wonderful comments.

    Oh, the Jimmy Buffet quote? Fantastic !!!

  9. Anonymous22 July, 2009

    Very popular plant out this way as well -- I have one right under my front window. What I don't see is the little blue thingy that sits in the cup of the flower, so wonder if yours is a different variety.

  10. There seem to be quite a few varieties of Strelitzia, even white ones. Mine are as you describe for yours. Click on the link for the Strelitzias and you'll see some different varieties.

  11. Moi aussi j'ai eu l'occasion d' aller dans les dom Tom et c'est vraiment une ambiance différente.
    Les oiseaux de paradis font partis de mes fleurs préférées .

  12. Very tropical!

    I like the quote today. A very important one to remember!
