28 July 2009

Gorbio's Elm Tree

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Reflected in one of the exterior mirrors of the beautiful Restaurant Beausejour in the medieval village of Gorbio, is the trunk of Gorbio's famous Orme (Elm tree) which stands in the main square. The tree was planted in 1713, the trunk is hollow yet the tree flourishes and looks magnificent. The plant cascading down the mirror is Trachlospermum Jasminoides.

The square in Gorbio and the old elm was the setting for a recent UK television commercial promoting a yoghurt drink. Click on the video below - it lasts a minute or less - you see the tree in the very first shot and later two of the children are sitting at its base. (Thanks to Don and Tony for info - The BootBoys.)

Gorbio artist, Eric Brocchi, is featured on Monte Carlo Daily Photo today with a display of his eagle 'Why?' Do click on the link to see the eagle and to see how he created his work.


  1. on a envie d'entrer dans se jardin secret, magnifique

  2. A truly lovely photo. Exquisite, in fact.

  3. Love the little advertising video. Really love the photo.

  4. Beautiful photo of the mirror and tree and I loved the little commercial video. What a fantastic setting!

  5. Ha ha, I've enjoyed the video and you know what? I do like les Petits Filous, it's very good!

  6. Anonymous29 July, 2009

    Petit Filous !

    ...look at this other one, at Gorbio too.



  7. I thought I recognised that tree! Lol!

  8. Thank you for the video, it's nice and funny. I really like your image, a perfect composition obtained in a window-like mirror!

  9. I'm happy you brought us there ... and must come back to see the tree, you ... and spend an hour or two on terrace of the restaurant!

  10. What a beautiful and unique perspective of the three hundred year old tree! Love that you included the commercial. Bonus! - Thanks for the warm welcome to CDP!
