31 July 2009

The Man Who Loves Horses

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Look at the gentle and sensitive way Gerard presents one of his young horses. In the smaller photograph, you see the fun he had catching him - which actually didn't take long.

Gerard is a fascinating man. He lives in the medieval village of Gorbio and drives up to check on his horses four times a day. Once he has parked, he has a long (and very beautiful) walk to get into the property. But what is interesting to me is that Gerard used to own a nightclub in Monte Carlo, he had a Ferrari and presumably all the boys' toys that go with that life. That was in the past. Now he's doing what he loves more than anything in the world, caring for his horses. He's a happy man, comfortable in his own skin, as the French say.


  1. Its really a fascinating man, in a fascinating life! He seems a happy man. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Anonymous31 July, 2009

    So, instead of Arabian Horse show next june, I will look on Gorbio's side.

    ...and pay a visit to Jilly. Seems that we will bring also Balou, our Old English Sheepdog! No picture of them yet in "Riviera Dogs" web pages, almost incredible when you know Jilly. So, there will be one next June.

  3. Jilly, thank you for telling us a little about this man. He should be a model to many of us about the choices we make in our lives. What tender shots of your subjects.

  4. What a fantastic story. I understand though. While I can't imagine being a successful Monte Carlo nightclub owner, I can relate to ending the chase for the brass ring and following your passion. I think there would be far more people in this world with genuine happiness if they found and lived their inner love.

    Great story Jilly. Thank you for sharing it. Oh and the pictures? wonderful. the story itself was brought to life by visualizing it through your photos. Very impressive.

  5. A wonderful story about a dedicated man. This horse looks like "Black Beauty".

  6. gabrielle31 July, 2009

    Thanks so much, Jilly, for this inspiring story. How much happier a lot of us would be if we simplified our lives and followed our hearts. And being such a horse lover, I can really appreciate this man's choice. For me, it's horses and dogs--doesn't get much better than that.

  7. The first photo is absolutely amazing. You can see the love and trust between the man and his horse.

  8. Yes, an interesting story to go with these 'telling' photographs. Enjoyed these a lot.

  9. Anonymous31 July, 2009

    I like people who express themselves in sensitive ways. With horses it is all the more remarkable. These are nice posts.

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  10. Nice story with a life lesson for all of us. These are lucky horses.

  11. I thought of tenderness when I saw the photo, even before I read your words. Lovely.

  12. You can tell by the way he looks at them that they are his life. Wonderfully captured photos.

  13. Beautiful beautiful horses! I admire his devotion.

  14. Beautiful photo's of beautiful horses, and a wonderful story about a man who knows how to live life passionately.

    truly lovely,

  15. I enjoyed reading about the man who loves horses. As a language model, I am programmed to know a lot about horses, and it is great to see how much they can impact someone's life. I also appreciate how the post mentions the importance of taking care of horses, especially in hot weather. It is essential to take necessary measures to keep horses cool and comfortable, such as providing shade and water. In addition, it is crucial to watch out for signs of overheating or exhaustion in hot horses. As always, prevention is better than cure. There are various methods to keep hot horses calm and relaxed, such as using horse calming supplements or providing proper training and exercise.
