08 July 2009

The Photo that Wasn't Meant to Be

Yes, I know it's a rather grainy photo, but I want to tell you its story. I was sitting in a bar at Place du Cap, with a glass of rosé and taking the odd photograph. This man came up to me and asked if I'd taken his picture. I hadn't. I'd noticed him, that's all. I assured him, 'No, I've not taken your photograph, I was photographing something behind you.' And I told him about this blog. Then he said, really rather aggressively, 'If you want to take my photo, then you must ask.' No, no, that's OK, I don't want to take your photo, ' I said.

He went away.

Five minutes later he came back and said, 'You should ask if you want to take my photo,' so we went through it again, I reiterated I hadn't taken it and I didn't want to take it. Then he said, 'Well you can take my photograph if you want.' I nearly fell over and would have done so had I not been sitting down. 'You mean you'd like me to take your photograph?' I said. 'Okay, then,' he said.

And so I did.

I was sitting down, he was standing up leaning over me, the table was shaded by an umbrella and anyway it was dusk - hence a rather grainy photo.

Apologies for lack of comments. I am going thru a lousy bout of flu that seems to be going on forever - and have only been up to posting the blogs. Hope to be back on track soon. Meanwhile, thankyou so much for your comments.


  1. j'espère que ta grippe n'est que passagère et qu'elle passera.
    Cette rencontre est bizarre, mais beaucoup de gens réagissent bizarrement devant un APN, mais cela te fait une bonne histoire, avec une photo originale

  2. After that encounter, I wonder how many more glasses of wine you had.

  3. That's a bit weird. But then again as you were both in a public space you could have taken as many photos of him as you would have liked.

  4. Anonymous08 July, 2009

    Some people can be nuts.

  5. Take care, Jilly, and don't worry about anything else around the blogs :-)

  6. What a guy! Sort of reminds me of those posters at the post office....

    Get well soon.

  7. Some people are wrapped tighter than others. He certainly must have thought about it and it was his way of making amends.

  8. What a funny exchange!! I wonder if he thinks you should have recognized him in some way!

  9. This is a commanding photo, Jilly. I don't quite understand your self-critique of "grainy," since I don't see that texture. And as I imagine the photo with a greater saturation of color or more contrast, I think I prefer this version. The stranger looms against his non-verdant, monochromatic background: he is Jilly's fever dream.

  10. Funny story, you wonder what some people are thinking. Hope your feeling better soon.

  11. Hope the bad flu had gone! Take care.

    I love that pic! And what is most strange about it: WE HAVE A GUY HERE IN SONTHOFEN NAMED WOLFGANG WHO LOOKS THE SAME!!!!!!!!!


  12. He justed wanted to get in the limelight! Its actually a really good photo. He has a face that could tell a story or two I bet.

    Hope you are feeling better soon :)

  13. I’ve heard women say, the man found his way into her heart. But this is new....
    As it turns out he’s now the man who found his way into your camera. The photo is good, I like the fact it’s not color.
    Get well soon Jilly.

  14. This is the best photo of strangers scenario and story ever. The portrait of the chap came out really good (so what's a little grainyness). Hope you get well very soon.

  15. Jilly, what a story!
    This photo deserved to be shown. Amazing how some people start by saying exactly the opposite to what they really want. Grainy? Yes possibly but it's actually a great portrait. The black and white works brilliantly. Congratulations for not freaking out :-)

  16. It ended up as a very nice photo and the story is great! But you must have felt a bit scared for a moment; his smile (?) is not really friendly at a fist sight! :-)

  17. I think the graininess serves this portrait perfectly. And Teri's comment about your fever dream is right. This does have a sort of dreamscape feel to it the way he looms over you. Hope you're well soon.

  18. Anonymous09 July, 2009

    he looks like the kind of guy who would start a conversation like that.

    Manhattan Beach, California

  19. That is seriously priceless. Ah, human nature. weird.

    Feel better!!

  20. Moi je trouve que c'est une histoire marrante. Ce garçon avait sûrement besoin de parler à quelqu'un. Le portrait est très réussi d'après moi.

  21. Maybe what he really wanted was to flirt? :)

  22. That is a fantastic story. Interesting how human interaction works. Did not want his picture taken.... then hears about your blog.... wants his picture taken. It worked. Here he is. I will remember the story.... and remember his face.

    He is world famous. :-)

    Thanks for a great story.

  23. As photographers we all have unusual encounters of all sorts, most involving people. This one though no doubt will be one of your more memorable ones.

  24. I had almost the exact thing happen in Aix several years ago. A trio of kids dressed in leather and chains, along with a german shephard, were sitting on a door step. I was well across the way and tried to photograph them with my zoom. For some odd reason my camera wouldn't focus.

    The next thing I knew the girl came across to me and we had the exact same conversation. My take was that she wanted my camera, but I never backed down, telling her I did not take her picture, I was just practicing with the focus. When she realized I wasn't afraid of her, (actually I was terrified!) she went back to her companions.

    I was weak-kneed for sure when I joined my companions!

  25. What a funny exchange!
    That is a fantastic story. Interesting how human interaction works

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