27 July 2009

Place aux Herbes

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

The Créole Festival is over. There are more photos but it's time to move on. Perhaps, one dull winter day, when we all need cheering up, one will suddenly appear - colour, laughter, Caribbean music.

Meanwhile, here's a typical Menton scene - pale turquoise shutters (the colour most often seen in this region of France) framed by plane trees in Place aux Herbes.


  1. j'ai beaucoup aimé le festival créole, c'était superbe. Maintenant un peu de tranquillité avec cette maison à l'ombre

  2. It feels like siesta time, a bit sad, a bit too quiet...
    but I am confident that summer activity will jump in our face again soon.

  3. This one works.... the faded blue-green among pale yellow. Yes, indeed!

  4. This photograph feels like an invitation. You really invite us in to this quiet scene. We imagine what is going on behind the closed shutters. And that lush green plane tree cools us off and reminds us of the majesty of nature. Great shot.

  5. C'est ce qui s'appelle de la sobriété après le festival créole (dont j'ai bien aimé les photos aussi).

  6. Lovely. Truly French.

  7. I love the window shutters a lot. I wish they have more of those here.

    But most people go for the cheaper alternative -- plastic blinds.

  8. Love this image, beautiful compostion in pastel colors.

  9. Indeed, very typically French!
