04 August 2009

Midsummer in Menton: Hopscotch

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Hopscotch (marelle in French) on the village square in Gorbio. Ciel (sky) at the top, terre (earth) at the bottom. I've never seen these words in the British version but perhaps I just don't remember.

We are outside the Beausejour restaurant, whose artistic owners doubtless painted this delight for children.

The totally adorable little boy is 5-year old Gabriel, the youngest son of Catherine, who some of you know from The Five of Us, where Catherine blogs about Paris, where she lives, and Menton, where she and the family spend their holidays. It's a delight for me to know Catherine - another valued blogger friend.

For anyone interested, here's a link about Hopscotch.


  1. souvenir d'enfance, on jouait a la marelle a l'école ;o)) belle ombre sur la photo

    childhood memory, it has played hopscotch a school ;o)) beautiful shadow on the photo

  2. What did I notice? The shadow of course!
    But the whole photo - and the portrait below - are perfectly composed.

    Of course I played marelle as a child.

  3. I noticed the piece of paper in his hand, wondering why it was so important to him that he would hold it while he played hopscotch. I also noticed the perfect matching of shoes to shirt. But most of all I noticed what a joyful photograph of a child at play this was.

  4. Beautiful post...Great..Thanks for sharing..Unseen Rajasthan

  5. Thanks again Jilly for this time passed together. The Gabriel's joy at this particular moment, that Brattcat made reference to, was also shared by both of us.
    I include Agnès to this pleasant moments.Kisses to you both. See, Jilly, that comment is a beginning to a new comeback to the joys of blogging....

    Merci encore Jilly pour ce temps passé ensemble. La joie de Gabriel à cet instant, à laquelle Brattcat fait reference, était aussi partagée par nous deux. J'associe Agnès à ces sympathiques moments passés ensemble. Bises à toutes les deux.
    Tu vois, Jilly, ce commentaire est un début au retour aux joies du blog

  6. Both photos are brilliant. The first one with the shadow is exceptional. I didn't realise that this game crossed cultures.

  7. Lovely images, I am old enough to remember those scratches of chalk, which probably would mean nothing to my son.
    In italian it is called 'Il mondo' (The world).
