11 August 2009

Ste. Agnès: Fête de Lavande - the Baby Donkey

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Meet 4-day old Lavandin and her mother, Gaby. As you can see in the notice, Lavandin was conceived during the Fête de Lavande 2008 and was born 4 days before the Fête de Lavande 2009.

In the lower photo you see a stall just behind Lavandin and Gaby - yes, it's the one selling the donkey sausages...


  1. This little guy is adorable! Let's just not think about the whereabouts of his long lost relatives....... :)

  2. ils sont mignons tous les deux, belle photo d'amour.

  3. Noooo, not the donkey sausages!
    He is so cute (I love donkeys).

  4. What a sweetie!

    I've been the "midwife" for several donkey births and there is nothing more wonderful and touching.

  5. I had no idea the gestation period for donkeys was so long. This little guy was definitely worth the wait. But oh, please don't let his fate be linked with the sausage maker next door.

  6. He's adorable, Donkey Sausages....NOOOOOOOOOOO...that's horrible!

  7. She is so cute. I don't know that I have ever come across a dinkey "colt" before (don't know what you actually call the baby)

    Maybe it's the culture I live in..... but I do know for certain..... there would be NO donkey sausages.

    Very nice, albeit, emotionally conflicting capture.

  8. Oh, she's so adorable and soft and fuzzy looking!

    Donkey sausages for sale next to the cute donkey baby. Somewhat morbid, I know.

    There's a steak restaurant chain here in Canada, called "le Bifteque." I always thought it was so morbid how they had cows out front.

  9. Cute donkeys! Shame about the sausages though!

  10. Even though I was born in France, I have never heard of donkey sausage. Maybe it is a specialty of that region? Do they have them in Italy too? I might actually check it out on Google search. This little "anon" is soooo cute!

  11. I actually squealed when I saw this little cutie. The eye and the tilt of the head are just so sweet. I will ignore the donkey sausages though.

  12. Jilly, I had to go on AOL France to search for "saucisson d'ane". I am wondering if it actually exists or if it is a hoax. In Corsica they make those sausages for tourists but "apparently" there is no donkey in them. Je crois que c'est une blague.

  13. Nadege, unfortunately I can't check up as the Fete is over. If I see this same stall again at another fete, which is possible. Perhaps next year, I'll double check. But I can't believe it's for tourists. I've not seen 'ana' before as a saucisson so perhaps they simply had an old donkey who died and decided to make her into donkey sausage.

  14. Ohhh, I love donkeys and had two of them once upon a time. The baby is adorable but to think of it winding up as a sausage is awful. I hate the idea of eating something that had a face like that.
