10 August 2009

Ste. Agnès: Fête de Lavande - Donkey Sausages

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

At every village Fête you'll find beautiful cheeses and saucissons (a sort of salami sausage).

In the smaller photograph you see saucissons made of sanglier (wild boar) and ane (donkey) - perhaps not to everyone's taste and certainly not the 4-day old donkey and her mother who were not 5 feet away. I didn't tell them...


  1. tout cela donne envie. Il existe beaucoup de saucisson (j'adore le saucisson de canard, hummm)

  2. You make my mouth water for the cheeses but even these gorgeous photographs can not move me to take a bit of donkey sausage. Did you photograph the 4 day old donkey with its mom?

  3. The cheeses are beautiful. But I will never eat a dead donkey! :(

  4. Yes to the cheese, no to the Eeyore sausage!

  5. Do you think animals know when their kind are butchered and eaten by people?

    I know hogs do. And I assume chickens do, but I don't know about a donkey.

  6. Brattcat, you bet i photographed the 4 day old donkey. All will be revealed!

    And too right, everyone, I'd not eat a donkey sausage either - well I don't eat meat so that's easy.

  7. When I first moved to NYC over a decade ago, I stayed with a French girl for a couple of weeks. She would make a meal simply out of various cheeses, saucissons, french baguette and a bottle of red wine.

  8. très interessant, j´aime les fromages! je serai en Provence en septembre, je ne peux pas attendre deguster ces merveilles là.

  9. the cheeses look divine but donkey sausage? that is a new one for me. I will try almost all foods once but this one might be a challenge.

  10. Sausages are fine but installing this stall next to live donkeys is just WAY too cruel (and not a terribly good selling position, I should think).

  11. Cheeses are one of my favorite foods. Num!! It's interesting to me that many people think nothing of eating meat from a steer, chicken, pig but the thought of eating a donkey is unappealing. Never could understand some aspects of humanity!

  12. Ah yes, the mystery of where all the old Hungarian donkeys go is indeed solved. I regularly delight my deli owner by asking for 6 slices of donkey.
