21 August 2009

Ste. Agnès: Fête de Lavande - Faces

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Faces...at the Fête de Lavande - some we've seen before at the folk dancing.

It seems to me that these marvellous faces could well have existed in medieval times - indeed perhaps these people are descendants of the original families of this beautiful village. So often in a French hill village, families go back through the centuries - families as old as the medieval houses they live in.


  1. Jilly that top photo is a stunner!
    Don't you dare stop taking photos, you are getting better and better at it.

    Catching up with your blog after a week away, I really enjoyed your latest batch.

  2. Yes. Yes. Yes. Stunning portraits. Definitely you can track their long histories in their faces!!!!

  3. What a fine collection of portraits Jilly. I'm with Nathalie, your photos get better every day!

  4. Such beautiful, beautiful faces! Thanks for letting us peek into their lives.

  5. Wow! I have internet again for a few days and it's been worth connecting!

    I sort of feel 'homesick' for your neck of the woods.

    Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia

  6. Great collection of faces. Very well done set of portraits.

  7. Beautifule old lady ! She looks like pleasant and refresshing. She has a happy moment. It's a warm photograph.

  8. Wow. I love your candid shots. You have a wonderful way of capturing the person. I am always most impressed by this work from you.

    Wonderful !!!
