14 September 2009

Procession Votive - the Cross

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

As the procession continued through the village, it was hard not to be moved - regardless of religion - when Jesus appeared, trying to carry the massive cross and being beaten as he did so.

There were four young men portraying Christ - all wearing wigs, of course, and all portraying different events in his life.

Why the costumes are so bright, I don't know but it made for a very theatrical experience and was so well done.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive in Roquebrune village - dating back to 1467.


  1. beau reportage, surtout la deuxième photo

  2. You captured the event quite well, Jilly.

  3. Shouldn't this event be held at Easter time

  4. Mo, click on the link in the last paragraph to see what this procession is all about.

  5. we have something like this in my hometown too. amazing!

  6. C'est bien que les costumes soient orange parce que c'est une couleur qui fait toujours de jolies photos :-)))

  7. Very moving. THe large shot with the video guy is a sign of our times, oui?

  8. Jilly, what I'm enjoying most and what you've captured so well is the acting! Everyone's playing their parts so well.

  9. Petrea, I agree. It really surprised me. Most, if not all, are villagers and they are really proud of their tradition so no giggling - even the children were v serious.

  10. It has always seemed to me that there is always a lot of theatre in religious pagentry. The colours are very vivid and add to the drama.

  11. Kate's comment seems quite right to me.

    In that respect the red works beautifully.
