27 September 2009

Procession Votive - Joseph of Arimathea

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

The procession is over. I made my way through the crowds and started walking down the donkey track to Menton and there, alone, I saw this man taking a rest, leaning against the village walls. He looked pensive and interestingly wasn't wearing the bright colours of the other participants. 'What part did you take?' I asked. 'Joseph of Arimathea,' he said.

Joseph of Arimathea is apparently the man who donated his prepared tomb for the burial of Jesus. Click to read more.

If you've come to this series for the first time today, please click to read the history of the Procession Votive which dates back to 1467.

This the last day of the Procession Votive -thankyou so much to everyone who followed the procession with me.


  1. Fine looking young man whose footwear is admirable.

  2. Nice portrait. At least he didn't have to portray Pontius Pilate!

  3. He was the perfect choice for the part. He really looks like a man who would make such a profound gesture.

  4. Thank you Jilly for allowing us to follow along.

  5. Fantastic photo! It is almost timeless. I bet he would love a print!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing all these with us, Jilly!

  7. The setting is very Mediterranean. It could just as well be Palestine as the south of France. he does look weary.

    Trying to get back to normal here. Almost have my clock reset.

  8. A very Mediterranean setting: it could be Palestine as easily as the south of France. And he does have a weary look.

    Trying to get back to normal here. Almost have my clock reset.

  9. Thankyou for sharing this procession with us, I'm sure that for many it was very emotional, I felt it in your clever photography

  10. I've enjoyed the procession. Thanks for showing such great pictures.


  11. I really think you did a great job covering that procession. Thanks.

  12. Congratulations on your coverage of the event Jilly. Your series was excellent - your portraits especially of course!
    I like this one in all its simplicity.
