26 September 2009

Procession Votive - Time to Reflect

Copyright 2009 Menton Daily Photo. All rights reserved

The procession is over. Time for a welcome bottle of water, to chat, to relax, to reflect on a job well done. Note the helmet stuffed with newspaper in the smaller photo.


  1. Reflection of the golden helmets and the helmets themselves, all of them are beautiful... The victory for the helmets after the procession, if it's possible...?

  2. Nice reflections on the helmet, we can even see your camera!

    Harry Simitian - http://picturesatwork.blogspot.com/

  3. Hmmm must have been quite a task to finish! The reflection on the helmet in the first shot is nicely captured! I think with small heads they might have stuffed the helmets with the newspaper so that it fits properly??

    - Pixellicious Photos

  4. I do love that top photo. The gold is so reflective it appears the whole shot is drenched in butter.

  5. What a wonderful shot of the helmet. Love the color of course. Your smaller photos always give us a sense of place. This has been a grand series Jilly. Bravo.

  6. Like the still life with the helmet...and you 'reflecting' upon/in it.

  7. I like this one. There seems to be a fresco-like tone to the reflections and the tone of the golden helmet. Well done.

  8. What a wonderful picture of the hat!
    We can even see you!!

  9. I feel this one is for me Jilly!
    What a brilliant brilliant shot!

    The warm golden colours are lovely and the red and white toga in reflection suggests the Roman world perfectly. Blue skies are there for the Mediterranean touch - just perfect!

  10. Hi Jilly - I've been absent for too long. Wonderful colour and composition in that top photo. It positively shines.
